Day 19

16 3 1

You ever feel that you're headed somewhere, somewhere you know you shouldn't be going but for some odd reason you still keep going?.

I honestly think we all go through it. There is always something that just brings us almost to our breaking point if not directly there.

We all start off good but something happens. There is always a but. We just start spiraling into this dark place and temporarily we could care less, until you realize this "wondeland" all the fun we're having, all the friends we make, that's just it... they are all TEMPORARY.

It's not easy getting out of that dark place because memories will come back, memories of things you wish you didn't do, but that's just not how it goes, you never really know pain or have lived until you experience some sort of downfall. But like i said, there is always a but. So we may think that right now, whatever demons we are battling, that they will never leave, but "Where there's a will, there's a way"... we simply just gotta keep fighting.


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