Chapter Six: GNO

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Monday, I drag myself out of bed and to school. I barely slept the night before, tossing and turning both mentally and physically. I couldn't get my brain to stop mulling over all of the information Bella and I uncovered over the weekend. The only saving grace for the day is the sunshine and almost warmth. I'm so grateful that the weather is warmer than almost freezing that I broke out a pair of jean shorts paired with an oatmeal-colored sweatshirt.

I head over to Bella, who's sitting on a bench and soaking up the sunshine. Before I can reach her, Mike Newton slides in beside her. I keep walking over to her when I see Mike take a lock of her hair and tuck it behind her ear. I sneak around to Bella's other side and slide in next to her, a little harder than necessary, nearly knocking Mike off the bench.

"Well, we could go out to dinner or something... and I could work on it later—whoa!" Mike says, a hopeful smile on his face before he nearly face plants. "Hi, Raquel."

Bella looks incredibly uncomfortable with the conversation and I decide to take action.

"Hey Mike! Are you practicing on Bella for when you ask Jessica out?" I tilt my head innocently.

"Huh?" He asks, confused.

"Really, Mike, can't you see the way she looks at you?" Bella jumps in after shooting me an appreciative smile. "It's time for class, and I can't be late again."

I walk Bella to English, and we take our seats right as the bell rings. After a long class discussion about the themes of Macbeth filled with awkward silences as no one wanted to contribute, the bell rings. Bella tugs on my sleeve as I get up to leave.

"They aren't here today." She says quietly.

"Maybe their trip ran long or something." I shrug.

"It's also sunny." She points out. I sigh.

"Maybe you should just ask point-blank." I grumble. Bella glares at me, following me out the door.

"You just don't want to admit there's a possibility I'm right."

"Or maybe I'm worried that you've lost your marbles." I retort, crossing my arms.

"We'll talk about this later."

By later, Bella means lunch, where I confirm that the Cullens are not at their usual table. Bella sits at the end of the table, slightly isolated from our usual company and I join her.

"I was thinking about it and you were right, I am worried that you're right. Mostly because if you're right," I sigh, "that means I have to confront the idea that everything I know about the 'real world' is wrong."

"Fair enough. And I think you could be right, that it's all a set of really strange coincidences. Regardless, it's strange, right?" I nod.

"Bella! Raquel! Are we still on for Port Angeles tonight?" Jessica asks, leaning so far forward on the table to see us that she's practically sprawled on top of it.

"Yeah, do you mind if I bring my brother along? He's been wanting to visit Port Angeles. I'm sure there's something I can find for him to do so he won't bother us."

"Sure! We're taking Jess's car, there'll be plenty of room. I think there's an arcade near the shop we're going to, he can hang out in there if he wants." Angela suggests. I agree and we plan to meet around 3:30pm.


After I get home, I'm picking out what to wear when my phone rings.

"You will not believe what happened!" Jessica squeals in my ear.

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