New student

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I was walking down the corridor with mrs pickwell I think her name was I didn't actually listen but we were walking to my brothers class aka my class after we reached the class and went in every one was asleep apart from a Chinese girl who was actually studying and mrs  pickwell slamed the door and he immediately sat up "and that is how quiet Ann frank and her family had to be to avoid being captured by the nazis" he said trying to hide the fact that he was sleeping "mr wickers I have brought your new student or in other words you little sister" mrs pickwell said "oh uh go sit beside Mitchell" he said pointing up the back I just stared at him "uhh who is Mitchell?" I asked confused and Mitchell raised his hand and I went and sat down beside him "I'd like to see the papers mr wickers" mrs pickwell said "you vant to se my papers" Alfie said in an terrible German accent "the mock exam papers mr wickers" she said clearly annoyed "now shall we do this in my office" she said opening the door and Alfie followed her and a girl and boy were waving for me to go over to them from across the room so I went over "hi I'm Chantelle" the brown haired girl said hugging me "hi I'm Stephen nice to meet you" the boy said also hugging me "hi I'm scarlett" I said hugging them back "can we be best friends?" They asked together "uh of course"I said they started jumping up and down then I asked them to tell me a little bit about everyone and they started with a boy at the front "so that is joe the teachers best friend he does almost everything for him and sir does almost everything for him" chantelle said pointing to joe "that is jing she is the smartest person in this class and we're also good friends with her" Stephen said pointing to jing "that's Mitchell as you already know he is quite funny and makes funny jokes kind of the class clown" Chantelle said pointing to him "and that's rem dogg Mitchell's sidekick" Stephen Said pointing the the boy in the wheelchair "and now for us" they said at the same time "so I am Chantelle and I'm 15 and I like little mix and Alfie" she said which surprised someone actually likes him "and I'm Stephen I'm 15 and I'm gay and I like little mix" he said which also surprised me "oh well done Stephen" I said shaking his hand "ok your turn" Chantelle said "oh I'm Scarlett I like little mix and rock music uh I'm straight and I hope to make loads of friends and hopefully get a boyfriend" i said and Chantelle widend her eyes "you can go out with Mitchell" she said happily looking at me then Stephen and stephen nodded agreeing with her "uh no I bearly know him" i said just as I said that Alfie walked in "ok so I have good  news and bad news what do you want?" Alfie asked "uh the bad news" jing said raising her hand "well jing the good news is that today's history module is pearl harbour and we all know what that means... class wars!" He said while I made my way over to my seat "what is class wars?" I asked Mitchell while everyone was moving there tables to the side "uh you'll find out" he said sitting on the table and pointing to the spot beside him for me to sit down "right ok so it's December 7th 1941 we are in Hawaii a military the first thing we are gonna require is some Americans Andre your Ben affleck joe josh harnett rem dogg your a tank" he said "yes" rem dogg said excited "next up I'm gonna need a nurse where's my beckinsale?" He asked holding a nurse hat "please sir I'm great with cancer and all the west beaches" Stephen said shoving Chantelle's arm down "all right you can be beckinsale and finally we require a member of the Japanese imperial Air Force" he said putting a Japanese thing on jings head and she looking pissed "the emperor will be proud of you my lotus flower" he said tying the thing on her head "she's Chinese you muppet" I yelled at him "I knoww" he said back making a face at me I just groaned "wait what about the bad news?" Joe asked making everyone go silent "um you might probably almost definitely are all going to fail your mock exams" Alfie said like it was nothing "what do you mean we are going to fail?!" Rem dogg said/questioned "its complicated aw right I didn't want to bore you with it" Alfie said still acting like it was nothing "we can't fail my dad will kill me" joe said kind of worried "don't be silly "my dad'll kill you" Mitchell said pointing to him "well I guess I can mark some of them" he said with a worried face "listen you mug you need to mark all of them" rem dogg said I laughed a little "yeah you don't wanna see my dad when he's angry he trained at the same gym as David hay" he said "and sally gunnell" rem dogg said through gritted teeth and Alfie just looked at them then the bell rang and I sat with Chantelle,stephen,Mitchell and rem dogg and we were just talking about stuff you would normally talk about with your friends "wait!" I said worried a little "what's wrong babes?" Chantelle asked "I haven't got anywhere to stay cause there is no room in Alfie's flat and I'm not sleeping in wooden floor" I said looking at everyone "Chantelle?" I asked "sorry my mums got all her friends over and I only have a single bed" she said sad  a little "Stephen?" I asked him "sorry babes there isn't any room I would but there's no room" he said sad a little aswell "I have a spare bed at mine" Mitchell said I just looked at him "what my brother moved out so there is a spare bed ain't there rem" he said looking at rem dogg "yeah there is" rem said "thanks Mitchell" I said hugging him "no problem" he said hugging me back "hey Harper" a boy said he was quite handsome "that's frank Grayson" Chantelle whispered to me "he's quite fit" I whispered back "what?!" She kind of yelled "shut u- who's this?" He asked winking at me "hi I'm scarlett" I said introducing myself and shaking his hand "wanna come meet my gang?" He asked me and Mitchell looked at me with ha hint of jealousy and a little shocked "sure I'll be back in a minute guys" I said getting up and following Grayson.
After Scarlett when if with Grayson I asked Mitchell "so you look a little jealous there Mitchell" I said and he just looked at me "I am not jealous" he said he clearly is jealous "you clearly are" I said "ugh fine maybe just a little" he said hiding his face from us and mouthed something to rem dogg.
So i was walking to Mitchell's static home as he called it and we finally got there after a while this is what it looked like this

It had three bedrooms but I still had to share with Mitchell and I had a bag of clothes it had pyjamas and other clothes for a while till I went shopping we got in and we went to his bedroom

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It had three bedrooms but I still had to share with Mitchell and I had a bag of clothes it had pyjamas and other clothes for a while till I went shopping we got in and we went to his bedroom

It had three bedrooms but I still had to share with Mitchell and I had a bag of clothes it had pyjamas and other clothes for a while till I went shopping we got in and we went to his bedroom

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And then I got changed into my pyjamas

Then I went through to the living room thing and he just looked at me his jaw slightly open "your drooling a little there mitch" i said laughing a little and he quickly looked away and put on Netflix "what do you wanna watch?" He asked scrolling t...

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Then I went through to the living room thing and he just looked at me his jaw slightly open "your drooling a little there mitch" i said laughing a little and he quickly looked away and put on Netflix "what do you wanna watch?" He asked scrolling through Netflix and then he put in insidious and it started thunder and lightning a jump scare came on and I jumped and cuddled into Mitchell he looked down at me and smiled then said "it's ok" he said cuddling me back then I slowly drifted of to sleep.
I put insidious on and a jump scare came on and she jumped and cuddled into me I cuddled her back "it's ok" I said smiling after a while I looked down and she was sleeping cuddled into my side  I carried her through to my room and then I realised the other bed was broken so I put her on my bed and joined her I cuddled into her and fell asleep and she is really light  and super hot.. no what am I thinking she probably thinks I'm a tool.

Hope you enjoyed I am obsessed with bad education I love it so much

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