Chapter Eight

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The journey to Beacon was a silent one. On board the Bulkhead, Qrow lamented on having to return to Beacon. He soon suffered visions of the past that even Ozpin couldn't keep away. Raven could see the torment her brother was suffering. She knew something had happened to Qrow. He illuded to it back in the bar. Soon enough, Raven finally asked the question.

Raven: Qrow. What the hell did they do to you?

Upon hearing that question, Qrow was dead silent. Qrow spent years trying to hide from his past. He spent years trying to leave the past behind, but it was clear that there was no running from it. Qrow took a deep breath and prepared himself. 

Qrow: You remember when Salem came down to Atlas?

Raven: I remember. That was where it all went to hell.

Qrow: Yeah. I was one of the few poor bastards who survived the initial onslaught. Ruby and Yang too. Everyone else.....they didn't make it. 

Raven remembered about the massacre on Atlas. She remembered the whole city being wiped off by Salem's Grimm. 

Qrow: I managed to get Ruby and Yang out of there before Salem noticed. They....they got busted up pretty bad, but nothing fatal. We hid out in the nearby forest. We hunkered down for a little while. 

Raven: What happened?

As Raven said this, Qrow took a moment to prepare himself to relive that day. In the past, Qrow was gathering food for the night when he heard screams. 

Qrow(Past): What the.....

Qrow readied Harbinger and ran as fast as he could. To his horror, he saw Grimm standing over the bodies of Ruby and Yang. 

Qrow(Past): No!

Qrow then proceeds to slaughter the Grimm in the immediate area. As he slaughtered the Grimm, Qrow began to sense something strange. Something seemed out of place. Soon enough, a greater horror would soon unfold as he plunged Harbinger into the heart of a Grimm, he soon looked around and saw no dead Grimm. He saw Yang's body all cut up. He looked to the Grimm and saw a shocked and frightened Ruby as she coughed blood. 

Ruby: Uncle Qrow.....

As Ruby collapsed to his arms, Qrow was overwhelmed by shock and horror. In his blind rage, he had inadvertently killed both Ruby and Yang. As Qrow mourned his loss, Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black approached him. 

Mercury: Looks like your illusions worked a little too well, Emerald. Cinder's not gonna be happen when she finds out the Silver eyed chick bit it. At least that blonde bitch is dead. 

Emerald: Let's just finish Branwen off. 

Qrow's sorrow soon turned to anger and rage as he used the shotgun mode of Harbinger to blow off Mercury's head. Before Emerald could react, Qrow lunged at her and began to viciously attack her. 


Qrow then begins to brutally mutilate Emerald's corpse with Harbinger. He lets out tears of sorrow and rage as he hacked and slashed at Emerald's body until it was an unrecognizable corpse. He then ran over to Ruby's body with tears in his eyes as he cradled her.

Qrow(Past): Ruby! Ruby! Come on Ruby....Don't do this to me, don't do this to me baby girl...come't leave me Ruby....don't leave me.....please. 

That was the moment that broke Qrow Branwen. He cradled the lifeless body of his beloved niece. In an act of pure pain, Qrow lets out a pain screamed which echoed through the trees. Back in the present, Qrow finished this to a visibly disturbed Raven. 

Raven: Qrow.....

Qrow: I took their bodies back to the old home and buried them there. Tai died not too long after. The pain of losing both his daughters took it's toll on him. I buried him too. After what happened, I just stopped. I put down my weapon and opted just to lay down and die. There were times where I planned to end it all, to put myself out of my misery. 

Raven: And?

Qrow: My Semblance always stopped me. Every time I tried to end it all, my Misfortune always stepped in. It's like the world is laughing at me. 

Qrow took a moment to reflect on his misery. He could see the Grimm version of himself mocking him, laughing at him. Qrow then takes a sip out of his flask. 

Qrow: I just wanted to be left alone. I just...I just wanted to left alone. But this goddamn world just wouldn't leave me alone. 

Raven: I'm sorry, Qrow. 

Qrow: It should've been me, Raven. I should've been the one that died instead of Ruby and Yang. I've got nothing left, Raven. Nothing. 

Raven was silent at Qrow's response. She couldn't imagine the constant pain Qrow was enduring. She couldn't imagine the immense guilt that weighed heavily on his conscience. 

Qrow: Let's just get to Beacon. The sooner we bring Tyrian in, the better. 

With that, Raven continued piloting the Bulkhead to Beacon Academy. Qrow's mind was heavily troubled as it was reminded of the day he killed Ruby and Yang. Despite it being Emerald's fault, Qrow constantly blamed himself. The deaths of Ruby and Yang haunted Qrow at every day he lived. It was a constant reminder of the blood on his hands that he could never truly wash away. As they got closer to Beacon, Qrow readied for another fight with Tyrian as well as find Ozma's Staff beneath Beacon. 

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