Chapter Thirteen

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The journey to the Evernight Castle was a silent one. Qrow mentally readied himself for the fight ahead. During the trip, he endured one final confrontation with the Grimm version of himself. 

Grimm Qrow: There's no point, Qrow. You're just going to get yourself killed. 

Qrow: That may be, but at least this ends. 

Grimm Qrow: You can't kill Salem. If that could be done, surely it would've been done by now. Oz's delusions led you here, Qrow. You were a fool to follow him. Now look at what you've become. You're nothing more than a sad and broken old man with nothing to lose!

For the first time in years, Qrow wasn't bothered by his Grimm counterpart's words. That moment of clarity had finally broken this torturous spell over him. 

Grimm Qrow: You failed them, Qrow! They all died because of you!

Qrow: That's true. I failed them. They died because of me. But I'm willing to make it right. Killing Salem and ending this madness once and for all will be the best thing I can do to atone for it. 

Grimm Qrow simply laughed mockingly at Qrow as he simply took a sip from his flask to calm his nerves. 

Grimm Qrow: What a sad and pathetic mess you've become! You'll fail, Qrow! You'll die and it'll all be for nothing!

Qrow: That may be, but at least I can see my family again. 

In that moment, the Grimm version of Qrow was gone for good. A great and terrible burden had been lifted off his shoulders. As the Bulkhead approached the Land of Darkness, Ozpin spoke. 

Ozpin(Voice): Once we cross this threshold, there's no going back. 

Qrow: I've already crossed that threshold. I've been on that road for years. I'm just ready to end it all. 

At that point, Qrow set the Bulkhead on autopilot. Qrow calmly walked to the boarding ramp of the Bulkhead. The Bulkhead begins picking up speed. Qrow took a sip of his flask to calm his nerves while he readies both Harbinger and Ozma's Staff. 

Qrow: Time to end this. 

Qrow then jumps off the loading ramp just as the Bulkhead crashes into the Evernight Castle. Qrow closes his eyes as he plummets to the ground. At the last minute, Qrow activates his Harbinger's scythe mode and decapitates two Beowolves on the way down. 

Ozpin(Voice): You've sprung the hornet's nest, Qrow. Now Salem will no doubt know we're here. 

Qrow: Good. That just makes finding her that much easier. 

With that, Qrow began cutting through the Grimm that infested the Evernight Castle. Despite his age, Qrow was still the capable fighter. As Qrow cut through the Grimm, he began going back on everything that had happened in his life. He remembered his time in Team STRQ. 

Taiyang: Jeez, Qrow! You and Raven don't mess around!

Qrow(Past): We're just that good, Tai. 

Summer: So much for a Huntsman's humility. 

Raven: We've had extensive training back home. 

Qrow(Past): I'm sure we'll all get along swimmingly, Shortstack. 

Qrow remembered all the missions Team STRQ completed. He then remembered reuniting with Ruby after his long mission for Ozpin. In that memory, Ruby hangs on his arm.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow! Hi. It's so good to see you! Did you miss me? Did you miss me!?

Qrow(Past): Nope.

Qrow continued to cut down through any Grimm that got in his way. In that moment, he was like a killing machine. With each Grimm he killed, he got closer to Salem. In his memories, he remembered telling Yang about her mother. 

Qrow(Past): Yeah, she found me. Had a tip from my most recent assignment and wanted me to give you a message.

Yang: Why didn't you tell me sooner!?

Qrow(Past): I was tryin' to wait for the right time, and this sure ain't it. But I guess you deserve to know. She wanted me to tell you that she saved you once, but you shouldn't expect that kindness again. Raven's got an interesting way of looking at the world that I don't particularly agree with. And she's dangerous. But you're a tough egg, kiddo. Shouldn't let this tournament thing get'cha down. You had a slip-up, sometimes bad things just happen. I say it's time you move on.

Yang: Move on to what?

Qrow(Past): Well... Raven let some info slip before she took off. If you ever wanna track her down, I think I might be able to help.

All the memories guided Qrow to his destination. Even as his body grew sore, Qrow didn't stop. Eventually, Qrow made his way to the throne room where the shadow of Cinder Fall stood before him. 

Qrow: Cinder Fall....

Cinder: Qrow Branwen.

Qrow: Where is she? I know Salem's here. 

Cinder: There are things you don't know, Qrow Branwen. I know you're not alone. I can feel his presence....the shadow of Ozma hangs over you. 

Upon hearing that, Qrow remained silent. Cinder soon stepped out of the shadows. What he saw was a woman with half of her body transformed into Grimm. 

Ozpin(Voice): Salem....

Salem/Cinder: Cinder Fall was the only one worthy to inherit my power. Only she could allow the transfer to succeed. Now we are whole. 

Qrow: I don't give a damn what you are. Whether you're Cinder or Salem or anyone. This ends tonight.....

In that moment, Qrow made it his mission to destroy Salem once and for all. For better or for worse, this would be the end. 

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