Chapter 4

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Can we go back to the days our love was strong?


Chapter 4

"Why are you watching this? Why spend your time watching this video? Is there a problem that I can help you with? Don't be in denial. When you went to your laptop and opened this video, I knew you were having trouble with something. Do you think you can solve it? Do you think there's still a chance? A second chance of rekindling your relationship? Of course, there is. Don't lose hope, don't grieve yet, don't let your situation right now turn you down."

Lea was facing her laptop, gripping the bottom of it as she watched Rachel's ex-husband: Richard Gomez.

It was midnight. Lea had finished checking and recording her students' scores and opted to watch a video of him.

"Don't think of yourself as desperate. I understand you; you need help."

Lea scoffed and bit her lower lip. "I am not desperate. I'm not." She whispered. "There's nothing wrong with fixing my sinking marriage, right? Right?" She asked out loud. She was looking at Richard as if he could hear her question. "Answer me, you- you." She stuttered and looked at the ceiling. "Why am I doing this again?" She asked herself. She noticed that she was getting used to talking to herself. Was she that lonely? or she's getting crazy because of her desperation to fix her marriage?

She turned off her laptop and grabbed the book instead. She bought it from National Book Store, and at the back of it was Richard's website and other social media accounts. "Please, help me."

She flipped to open it, and a tear fell from her left eye. "You must think twice before letting go."

I'm not thinking twice because I'm not letting him go.


Lea immediately wiped her tears, closed the book, and faced her daughter with a smile on her face. It was a good thing that she dimmed the light of the room. "Yes, baby? What's the matter?"

Samantha went near her mother with two pillows on both of her hands.

"Come here. I know you can't sleep."

As long as Samantha climbed up on the bed, Lea immediately cuddled her tightly, feeling the warmth of her body.

"Why are you still up, Mum?"

Lea bit her lower lip. "Just done finishing school works. You know, the life of a teacher." She said, avoiding to stutter.

Sighing, Lea caressed her daughter's back. She had told the truth, half of the truth because how could she tell her daughter that she had been watching a consultant's video and even bought a book because she and Aga were slowly losing each other.

"You are shaking, Mum. Are you okay?"

Lea attempted to wipe her tears before Samantha could look up and see her crying, but it was too late. Samantha was already looking at her with a wrinkled forehead

"Mum. Mummy, why are you crying?"

Lea sniffed, burying her face on her daughter's neck. "I'm so sorry, Sammy." Her voice was strained. "Mommy's getting tired. She's getting tired, baby." She whispered. She hugged her daughter tightly, avoiding to let her go.

"No," Samantha glanced down at her mother whose head was still buried on her neck. "It's okay, Mum. You can release all your exhaustions on me. Don't think of holding back." She worriedly said, giving her mother a caress on her bare shoulder. "I'm here, Mum. I'm here for you."

Lea tried to hold back her tears, but her daughter's words were making her weep. She didn't want to look like a baby in front of her two daughters. But at the moment while hugging her youngest, she felt like she needed to release half of what was bothering her. A simple hug from Samantha was all she needed. "I'm such a baby." She sniffed. "I failed you, baby."

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