The Hot Springs

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"It's not that I'm complaining. I usually do, but in this case, they could've made the towels alittle fluffier," Shikamaru muttered as he laid on a nearby bench beside one of the steaming pools. It was just the three of us, a rare sight for the men's side of the Springs resort. There were usually other men trying to peep at our feminine neighbors, but not today.

"So, despite the fact I'm paying for us to relax out of the kindness of my heart, you still manage to find something to complain about?" I questioned as I lowered myself in the pool, a hot towel resting on the crown of my head. "Our last mission was pretty brutal, so I felt the need to reward ourselves."

"I could've sworn peace had stabilized in the Hidden Rain Village," Naruto stated. "I guess not. Who knew another secret organization had been formed, and riding off the coattails of the Akatsuki?!"

"Naruto, they were called the Akatsuki 2.0, baka. What did you expect?" The Nara explained. "Not that they were in the same league as the original Akatsuki, but still. They were tough."

"Yeah, all fifteen of them," I replied under my breath. "Whatever the case, I'm down to rest here a bit longer. I don't usually get time like this as far as being the Leader of the Anbu."

"Well, if that's your issue, let's switch positions. I'm sure I can handle it," the blond-haired knucklehead commented.

"I didn't say I was willing to trade," I responded. "Besides, as much as you are best suited for it, I know for a fact Toshiro would take full advantage of me not being in the superior seat."

Sighing, Shikamaru stood from the bench and made his way to the lockerroom.

"Oi, where ya going?" I asked.

"Tsunade mentioned something about a meeting with the other Five Kage. Thinking about attending is a total drag, but I know my dad would want me to keep insight on the future of Konoha, so as much as I don't want to, I have to show up. It's in my best interest." He disappeared for a few minutes before returning fully clothed.

I sweatdropped. "You can't even stay for a little longer? What are you trying to do, show me out?"

He shrugged. "Don't you have a choice to stay? I feel like I don't. That's the only thing. After Naruto became the Seventh Hokage, I've been requested alot more to be by the side of future Hokage. I guess I actually did my job the right way for some time. Whatever the case, I've made up my mind, so you can do what you want."

Naruto jumped out, bare skin and all as he pointed to his fellow friend. "OH YEAH? WELL, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO OUT-DO ME!! I'LL GET THERE BEFORE YOU! BELIEVE IT!"

And with that, the Uzumaki bolted through the doors, still unaware of his explicit unclothed body.

It wasn't until a group of loud shrieks and an enormous explosion sounded that the blond-headed ninja's frame blasted back through the wooden doors and through the same bench Shikamaru laid on earlier.


Smoke rose from the carnage, and another blond-haired figure walked through the splintered doorway, a vein screaming to pop along the surface of their forehead.


I sunk low into the waters, keeping myself out of the fiery vision Tsunade must've had at that point. Her cheeks were flushed, revealing her drunken state. She must've lost a few thousand ryo, and if my guess was correct, a naked Uzumaki was probably the last thing she'd want to be witnessing. I hadn't even realized Shikamaru was playing exactly like a shadow and pinning himself up against a nearby wall behind some wooden barrier.

"No! No!" Naruto pleaded, rubbing his head as he searched for his towel. "You got it all wrong! I was just-!"

But Tsunade wasn't having any of it, and with a flick of the finger to his forehead, the Uzumaki's body darted back once again, this time, crashing into a shelf full of clean folded towels.

"You better hope Sakura didn't see you. She won't be as forgiving as I am. Now cover yourself up."

Smoking from the ears, Lord Fifth turned, fists shaking by her sides.

"Fang," she muttered quietly, a simple calling of my name that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Y-Yeah," I answered, barely lifting my head above the surface of the water.

"You and Shimamaru report to the mansion ASAP. The other Kage are supposed to be appearing any minute, and you two will need to be present. That's an order from Lord Eighth."

"Yes, Mi'Lady. I understand."

Silent for a moment, she looked to the left where my favorite strategist was hiding.

"Understood, Shikamaru?"

I heard him sigh. "I was actually headed that way already."


She shot one last look at Naruto before leaving through what was left of the entrance way.

I glanced at Naruto and shook my head. "I swear. You get yourself into the craziest problems. You need to think more before you act. Wasn't Hinata trying to tell you the same thing?"

"Don't," he retorted, holding up a shaking hand. "I got the message. You guys go on ahead. I think I'm going to relax here for a while."

Shikamaru shook head head in disbelief. "That bench was one of my favorite benches here, and now it's destroyed. Where am I going to sleep now?" He rubbed the back of his neck and sulked. "Boy, this is such a drag."



It's a little short, but bear with me. I've actually found some time to write xD

Thanks for reading! More coming soon!

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