Chapter 7

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The last one to turn around is the dark haired boy, Zeke. His calculative, piercing green eyes meet mine and his lips part in shock, thick dark eyebrows pulling together. His broad shoulders match his towering height. From here, I can see an intricate tattoo that stretches over his bicep. I tilt my head slightly, studying him just like he is doing to me. His expression is one of shock and confusion.

"That's her?" Cayden whispers, not very discreetly, to Noah without taking his eyes off of me.

Noah nods weakly in response; the scent of his fear travels through the air around him.

"Would it be safe to assume that your Alpha doesn't know you're here?" I question, cocking an eyebrow.

They glance at each other uncertainly, communicating silently, and that's all I need as confirmation.

I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth and shake my head.

"What a shame," I mutter dryly. "The deal I made with your father was that as long as his pack stays out of my way, I'll stay out of theirs. Obviously, you mutts didn't listen very well." I say, eyes locked onto Zeke's forest green orbs.

Zeke steps forward, brushing past Cayden and Noah, with an angry expression.

"What are you?" he demands in a low growl.

"Someone you should be very afraid of," I answer flatly, holding eye contact with him.

"I'm not scared of you," Zeke snarls, but his rapid heartbeat says otherwise.

"No?" I say, raising my eyebrows before smirking at him. "You're a horrible liar."

My eyes slide to Noah, who is watching our interaction closely, his breathing rapid. His eyes are wide in a way that reminds me of a deer in headlights.

"Bambi, over there certainly is," I say with a dark, short chuckle, gesturing toward Noah. "How's the kid by the way? Aiden, right?"

Zeke bristles with anger and growls lowly. He steps in front of me, swiftly blocking my view of Noah.

"Leave them out of this," he orders, his jaw clenching.

"Moose, my patience is running very thin, so you should be glad that they're even alive right now." I voice coldly.

My anger is rising steadily, a voice in the back of my head whispering that I should just kill them and get it over with. Gabriel would be disappointed though, I told him I would handle it if they didn't stay away. I specifically said I wouldn't kill them.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" he demands, his voice echoing between the trees around us.

He takes a few steps closer to me, towering over my smaller frame and obviously trying to intimidate me with his height and size.

I can feel my power moving toward him, crackling in the air. He also seems to feel it as I notice the goosebumps that rise across his arms while his anger falters. I square my shoulders and set my jaw when it wraps around his legs, yanking him down to his knees. He grunts and fights against it, much harder than Aiden did, but still, it's a futile effort.

Cayden's eyes grow wide and Noah let's out a gasp. They both start to race down the stone steps, toward Zeke, hoping to somehow help him. My eyes snap up, shooting them a fierce glare as my power extends and I pull their feet to the ground, keeping them in place with an invisible force. They also fight against it, but my power only tightens around them. Noah's heads whips up, gaping at me in a shocked silence while Cayden continues to roughly struggle against it, forcefully trying to move his feet.

My eyes shift to Zeke, and I slowly step closer until I'm directly in front of him. His eyes now a dark, seaweed green, simmering with anger as he glares daggers at me. He lets out an animalistic growl, nails sharpening into claws that are useless since his hands are stuck at his sides.

I lean down so I'm closer to his face and lightly trace the underneath of his sharp jaw with just the tip of my finger. His growl ceases and he stills, heart knocking violently in his chest as his breathing turns erratic. I don't need a mirror to know that my eyes are changing, turning into a deep, blood red. His shocked green orbs flicker between mine, watching my irises as they're flooded with a dark crimson red.

"You have no clue what you're messing with right now, Moose. I could kill you and your friends in a split second if I wanted to," I whisper near his ear, my voice low and threatening. "I'm giving you one last chance. Don't screw it up because I won't be as nice next time."

I stand up straight and take a step back while maintaining eye contact. The tension in the air remains thick and heavy.

Raising my right hand slightly, I look over Zeke's features again. His deep green eyes watch me with apprehension, I can practically see the questions swirling in them and the gears turning in his head.

Snapping my fingers, the noise echo's through the still air. All three of them disappear from in front of me instantly, and right now they should be landing on their pack land, unharmed and close to their homes.

I run a hand through my hair with a sigh before going walking back inside, making sure to lock the door this time.

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