Chapter 7: The Gambit of a precarious Alliance

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It doesn't take long for one of Rivian's advisors to enter after Avery and him leave the room. The ornate door to the right of us where they had left opens within minutes, and in walks another ungainly tall Conian. Dressed in a form fitting white regal suit with padded shoulders, the edges angular and lined with gold. He stops at the head of the table.

Unlike Rivian, his advisor is without any of the glowing tattoos on his forehead or any other part of his body that I can see. Only his obsidian orbs that are his eyes hold their race's trademark glow, his an unremarkable white.

"I'm Dycal, Prince Rivian's communications advisor. Please, sit while I run you through what your next few months will look like." His voice is calm, unlike the tight guttural sound of Rivian's. But nonetheless holds a degree of command. Axel, Herelsia and Voanne look to me. I give a slight nod and walk forth, pulling one of the chairs back to sink into.

I make sure to remain tall, keeping my posture in check as I look back at Dycal who merely glances past me to the rest of my team.

Once we're all seated Dycal presses a button on a PDA he produces from his pocket. Before us a diagram loads onto the table, a map of a complex.

"Welcome to Soclami's main operatives base, Omega." The image zooms in to the complex's entrance, the handles of the door made out of a swooping gold O. "Over the next few months so long as you agree to stay, you'll be training along our forces in Omega. On the far left side of the complex you'll find the quarters in which you'll be staying. While you are our guests, there are security measures in place. Until we can determine the amount of trust we can have between us, the doors to your rooms lock from the outside. The only way out will be through the sentries posted outside giving you leave. The windows within the rooms have lasers invisible to the eyes, another deterrent from trying to leave through other means. Of course we cannot afford to have sentries for all of you, so only those deemed by Rivian and the rest of the council as high priority will have their own individual sentry. The rest of your crew will be monitored in groups of five by one sentry. Included in singular sentry observation is of course you, Captain Quinn. Along with Vice Admiral Cruz's son." The diagram shifts again, focusing away from the enclosed rooms we are to inhabit to a projection of Stark and I side by side. An uncomfortable tingle runs through my spine as I stare at our images, never thought I'd see Stark and I displayed together for any reason. Never mind the fact that they have numerous details on myself and my crew, including dossier photos of us.

"Now I'm sure this is sounding very enclosing to you all, I would like to add that you are allowed to explore the complex grounds of Omega. So long as you are accompanied by a sentry and within their sights at all times, you can go virtually anywhere within Omega." Dycal continues with his explanation and I clear my throat. 'Virtually anywhere'? He doesn't have to say the words for me to get the clear meaning, anywhere that isn't off limits to normal recruits and soldiers. Of course I didn't suspect it would be easy to get within their labs or locked rooms, the sentries are only a barrier to my success.

"Your training will commence with Commander Jyfal tomorrow at o six hundred. You'll be introduced to our cause and our history throughout your months among us. Along with combat, weapons and stealth training. Of course you will be tested and those deemed unworthy or unfit to continue on will be removed from the program and kept within a civilians compound on Omega. Do any of you have any questions?" Dycal lets his question hang within the air as he looks among the four of us. Axel shifts to the left of me.

"Sorry, those deemed unworthy or unfit? All of us are certified military graduates from the regime's academies. I understand testing us, but we're already certified." Axel says, leaning forward until his elbows rest on top of the white marble table.

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