How DHS Came Involved

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Nova started to have problems with gaining weight at 2 months old and the Dr would continuously change her formula every week. She went from 7 different powdered formulas to 8 different liquid form formulas in a month.

At 2 and 1/2 months old, the Dr sent us to children's hospital to figure out what's going on with her and and we spent 5 days there and to find out nothing. Well after we left the hospital, she continued to lose weight and the Dr was still confused at the fact that they didn't find anything.

At 3 months old, she still lost weight and the Dr sent us back to children's hospital. We spent 7 days there and they observed me and nova and did blood test and urine test on her. They refused to tell me anything when I asked, when I asked for her weight multiple times they finally gave a weight.

They said that she gained 300 kilos but me and my mom did the math out in the car and it turns out to be wrong, 300 kilos is a toddlers weight, well let me make sure to you she is 3 months old not 2 years old.

They told me that they did an ultrasound on her when I was outside and they found nothing on the ultrasound and well they lied about doing an ultrasound.

On the last day at the hospital, a DHS caseworker came to my room and talked to me and told me to call my big sister to come pick us up. I was put on a safety plan so I had to stay at my sister's house for 3 months.

On June 28th 2020, she was dedicated at the church on her birthday and I was so happy for this. Everyone was so happy and proud of me and nova.

She was gaining weight for 2 weeks and at the end of the 2 weeks she lost weight again. I told my caseworker that and later that day she came over with a cop and told me that she had to take her. She was 4 months old when they took her away.

This is were the dad hangs up on the caseworker comes in. He would hang up with her when she was trying to find someone to take care of nova and he would say that he couldn't do anything. He threw nova to the curb like trash.

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