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The sound of the alarm woke you up.

Sleeping was nice at this time of the year. Usually you had weird dreams and the night before was no exception. You remember part of it, just a small part, but surely a pink eyed girl was there.

Six in the morning. That was what the red numbers dictated in your clock.

Getting up and stretching, you prepared for your first workout in more than half a year.

"Chachamaru! I'll leave food for you." The mild cat meows from his hiding spot after hearing your call.

Roaming around the house you took a peek into Tamayo's room. Soundly sleep, the beautiful woman rested. Judging by the mess all over the room she just arrived a couple of hours ago.

'Everything's in place.'

Without further delay, you hopped into your running shoes and went out for a nice morning run.

At this time of the dawn, only early birds and police officers were already up. Streets are lonely, the morning wind hits (YN) face. Such a nice morning.

Running through the streets, he passed houses and houses. Soon the sun made his way out, with orange and red lights covering the land of the rising sun. Sweating and catching his breath, the boy stopped for some seconds. In front of a small, traditional Japanese house.

'Urokodaki' was engraved in the metal plate in front of the house.

'Well, well, if it's the same old man I know...'

As if he was waiting for (YN) to look at the plate. An elderly man walked out of the house, covering his face with his weird yet characteristic red tengu mask and his cloud pattern blue kimono, navy blue pants black tabi socks and sandals.

The old master of the water breathing style. Urokodaki Sakonji.

"Ronin-san. It's been long since you got morning excercise." He said with his usual calm and grouchy tone.

"Good morning, Urokodaki-sensei." You greeted. "Indeed, I've been skipping training lately."

"If your late father see you like this he surely will kill you."

"Yeah, he would."

You heard some noise coming from the backyard of the house. Like someone swinging a sword over and over again.

"You found a new student?" The boy asked.

"Yes, I have someone under training." Urokodaki replied as his sudden visitor prepared to continue the way back home.

"Maybe one day I could help with his training." (YN) smiled before resuming his morning run. Leaving a message before departing. "Your medicines are ready, you can get them in the afternoon."

As the old water breathing user watched the boy get farther and farther. A petite drowsy girl walked out of the house, still in her pink pajamas with bamboo figures on them.

"Who are you talking to, Urokodaki-san?" Nezuko asked as she yawned.

"Just a young man."

They went back inside. Breakfast should be prepared and then the young Kamado siblings will made their ways to school.

Bath felt like heaven. After the long run you hit the old boxing bag for a couple of hours. Little by little you got a grasp of what it was lost. Your fist, your form, your style and also your speed.

You couldn't expect to regain your top form in just one day.

'If I should give myself a number from one to ten it would be... five.'

One of a kind (Nezuko x Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now