Train Incident

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Running through the corridors, you tried to contain the rage burning inside you. Those bastards, if they dare to lay a hand on her.


The note was clear, that have taken her away. But they are inside school grounds, Tanjiro is searching at the roof but if I were them I would take her to somewhere afar...



Some have already passed since the day Nezuko went for the medicines.

Slowly you have been integrated to the kamaboko squad. At first you were hesitant, but the comforting presence of Nezuko and Kanao helped you a lot.

Know even Inosuke's dailies challenges, and Tanjiro's quarrels with Zenitsu when the blonde boy tried to get flirty with Nezuko.

Deep inside, you felt a slight jealousy when he did it, but you showed it not.

That day your lunch was rather quite, Aoi was bot giving you the usual death glare and Inosuke had some club meeting, Zenitsu and Tanjiro had to attend to their class meeting for the upcoming festival.

It was just you and the girls.

"I was getting hungry after history class." Nezuko complained.

"You should think with your head, not with your stomach." Scolded the blue Butterfly girl. "Don't you think, (YN-san)?"

Lately Aoi has been trying to get closer to you, as days passed she realized that the rumors were just that rumors.

"I was getting quite hungry myself." You replied causing Nezuko to giggle and Aoi puffed her cheeks out.

Your bento box was tasty today: a portion of strawberries, hardboiled eggs and some blueberry waffle carefully cut into strips, also you packed your respective syrup for the waffles.

As you laughed, the door of the classroom was slid open. Half dozen of students made their way to the group of friends. All of them had messy uniforms and doing harsh expression, like they were looking down on you, they were mocking you for sure.

"Yahaba and Susamaru." Growled Aoi when she saw both of the bullies and their group of thugs.

The first is a young man, a third year student of the Butterfly academy. His pale skin and cat-like eyes, a big cocky grin plastered on his face as his short dark hair fall towards his face.

The later is a woman with pale skin and cat-like yellow pupils. Her bob cut hair from black to orange. She has kind of bulky body.

"Well, well, isn't the strongest of the school having a nice meal with her friends?"

All the thugs laughed as you just ignored them and continued to eat your delicious lunch.

A tick mark appeared on the face of the bullies.

"Hey, aren't you the top dog? You should at least defend yourself when someone is trying to get to your nerves."

"Get on my nerves? You have to try harder." You teased back.

Then it came, a wave of death glares pierced you like knives. How to fight first lesson: excite your opponent.

"You got a death wish or something, bastard?"

"I'm gonna beat the shit out of you."

This and more threats came from the gang. The first move was more than effective this time.

One of a kind (Nezuko x Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now