Is a black cat good or bad luck?(Part 2)

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After our run in with the,odd,girl,named penny, and after yang and Weiss had a little "cat" fight. We headed home,where their fight continued.

Weiss:The white fang is pure evil!

Y/n:I've seen pure evil and the white fang are just a fraction.

Weiss:You've seen pure evil?

Y/n:I looked her straight in the eyes.

Weiss:Her?Whatever,that doesn't change my point, the white fang is an extremist group of degenerates.

Blake:Ever question why the white fang was made? It's because of people like Cardin and you! Your discriminatory!

Weiss:I'm a victim! Wish to know why i despise the white fang and don't trust faunus?

Y/n:There's no excuse to hate another living thing just because of their species or race.

Weiss:For years my grandfather's company has been stole from and attacked,ever since I was a small girl I have hap a target painted on my back.I've seen people killed just because of their affiliation with my family. Everyday my father would come home,very angry and that makes for a very difficult childhood!

Ruby went over and sat a hand down onto Weiss' shoulder.

Ruby:I'm so so-

Weiss:NO! The white fang are a bunch of no good lairs,thevies,and murderers!

Blake:Well maybe we were tired of being pushed around!

We all recoiled from the sudden announcement.



She looked around and then ran herself straight out of the room. Ruby ran to the door,yelling for Blake.

Weiss:Well find her tomorrow.

Y/n:I thought you hated the faunus?

Weiss:I don't trust them,but Blake is my teammate and she is my friend, we'll look for her but it's late.

Y/n:Fine let's sleep.

I went to leave but was dragged over to yang's bed,by yang.

Y/n:What are you doing?

Yang:Well I need my favorite pillow to sleep!


I laid down and she cuddled up into me.

Y/n:There's no way I'm this comfy to sleep with.

Yang:You would be surprised.

*Timeskip brought to you by chib ruby and Jane riding on beo's back*

We woke up the next day and our searched kicked off as soon as we were dressed but as we went to leave I realised something.

Y/n:Beo! I'll be right back.

I rushed off to my dorm room and saw beo laying on my bed.

Y/n:Beo.  Come here.

He jumped from the bed and tackled me to the ground,licking me on the face.

Y/n:I missed you too. Sorry for leaving you for so long.

I pushed him off of me and got up to grab my sword. I got my sword and walked out of the room,Beo coming with me. I met up with the girls and they were surprised to see beo.The girls went over and began to pet him,he loved all the attention.

Yang:You sure you want to bring beo?

Y/n:He can help.

Ruby:And what about your sword?

Y/n:If we get in a fight. Why do you bring your scythe with you everywhere?

Ruby:Because it's easy to carry.

Yang:And she can't stand to part with it.

Ruby:That's not true.

Y/n:Whatever,let's go.

We ran out of the school and our search for Blake had begun. We arrived at the city and we started to search for our ,newly discovered, faunus friend. We searched for what felt like forever and I swore I kept seeing a man,with my sword, look at us from a distance but whenever I looked away he was gone when I looked back. It was night time when we saw an explosion come from a nearby shipping dock.

Ruby:What's the chances that that's not related to blake?

Y/n:You want my opinion?


Y/n:Jane,come with us but stay away from the fighting,okay?

She nodded her head and the five of us,including beo, ran to the shipping yard to see Blake and the monkey boy from earlier fighting the white fang. We rushed in and began to fight with her.

Y/n:Hey kitty.

Blake:You guys are here?

Weiss:We're your friends,aren't we?

Y/n:So,shut up and let's fight!

My armor came down over me and I began to bounce from white fang member to white fang member,with beo also helping me rip through them. As I did my own slicing and dicing I saw the penny girl from earlier kicking some serious ass,she even brought down a plane.

Y/n:Nice job!

As the plane came down I saw torchwick running for another bullhead. I rushed him with my sword and cut him down the middle with my great sword,only for me to get hit with a flair straight to the face.

Y/n:I'm taking you down!

Roman:Like hell you are.

I rushed once again but before I got to him his bullhead had already taken off. My armor receded as I,once again, saw the black swordsman I saw earlier,when we were looking Blake.

Y/n:Who are you,mystery man?

The cops arrived soon after and took over for us.

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