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I was in the infirmary when yuno busted down the door,his head bleeding a bit.

Yuno:We won!

Y/n:Good but if Jane looks as good as you do,then we just barley won.

Yuno:Okay mr."Let me break my arm to beat this girl!".

Y/n:Sarcasm,not appreciated. Where is Jane?

Yuno:No clue. I guess she's walking around. Why didn't you watch the fight?

Y/n:Well,if you would take a look around,

I motioned to the surrounding room.

Y/n:There's no televisions! And they won't let me leave until I'm fully healed,thankfully my aura has already put my bones back together.

Yuno:How do you heal so fast? It would take most people days to recover from that stunt you pulled.

Y/n:Well,you see yuno, I have....nothing, there is no reason I heal faster then others.


Y/n:Tell me about it.

Yuno:I can't tell you more about that but team rwby is currently fighting and it looked like they were winning.

Y/n:You watched their fight?

Yuno:Just a little,nothing to determine an outcome.

Y/n:So,it just started?

Yuno:Nope,I got a bowl of noodles from a nice old man.

Y/n:How'd you pay for it?

Yuno:That's not important.


Yuno:Okay,okay,no more scary voice. I may,or may not have, used your credit card.

Y/n:You what?! That was given to me by uncle oz for important things like clothes and food.

Yuno:So,I used it for its intended purpose.

Y/n:How much?


Y/n:The noodles,how much were they?

Yuno:15 lein?

Y/n:We're they good?

Yuno:Spicy and delicious.

Y/n:Well at least you enjoyed them,but you do that again,I'll make what that gaint Grimm in town square did to me,look like a paper cut in comparison to what I do to you.

Yuno:Don't use your card if I want to keep my legs,got it.

Y/n:Anyways,you here to get patched up?

He pointed to his head.

Yuno:For this,nah, the bleeding stopped awhile ago. I came by to say hi.

Y/n:Well then, what now?

As I asked my question team rwby busted through the door.

Y/n:Hey did you guys win?

Weiss:Of course we did.

Ruby:No one can beat team rwby?


Ruby:Almost no one can beat team rwby,is what I meant.

Yang:Yeah,we won, it was fun.

Blake:We also decided yang and Weiss are going to the next round.

Yuno face palmed and looked back to me.

Yuno:That's what I meant to ask you! Who do you want doing the 2v2 matches?

Y/n:Me and you. We're the strongest fighters on our team, plus we've fought together the most.

Yuno:You got it,cap.

Yang walked over to me and sat down next to me.

Yang:You feelin' alright?

Y/n:Yep,I told I just needed an hour.

Ruby:Well,if you're all good to go,let's go get some food!

Yuno:That's a no go,the docs here got y/n locked up until he's "fully healed".

I stood up and grabbed my armor,I put it on and then I put my sword down onto my shoulder.

Y/n:I'm sure they'll let me off for good behavior.

Blake:We should get going then.


We walked out of the room and into the fair grounds,where all the food and other things where. We walked for awhile,finding a place to eat, until yuno pointed at a small restaurant.

Yuno:That's were I got my noodles from!

Y/n:You mean that's were you spent my money at.



Y/n:Long story.

We walked over and sat down at the counter.

Y/n:Yuno,wallet please.

He took my wallet out of his chest pocket and handed it to me,as I got my money out I looked at him,a question in my mind.

Y/n:How did you even get my wallet?

Yuno:You left it on the dresser in our room,I grabbed it for you and forgot to give it to you,until I used your card.

Y/n:Alright,another question, why did you use my card?!

Yuno:I'm broke, and I thought you wouldn't mind.

Weiss:I'm so confused.

Ruby:Same here.

Y/n:It doesn't matter,I'll pay.

I looked at the owner and began to speak.

Y/n:Remember what you gave this idiot?

He nodded.

Y/n:Two bowls of that.

I looked over to the girls and spoke to them.

Y/n:Go ahead and get whatever.

They ordered their food and the waiter came back with three gigantic bowls of normal noodles,two same sized bowls of red noodles that had spices and the faint smell of hot sauce,and one bowl,the same size as the others, with normal noodles and fish in it. I slid the man my card and payed for our food,he slid the card back to me and we began to eat.

Y/n:Wow,these are good.

Yuno:Told you!

I looked over to see the girls enjoying their food.

Y/n:Do you four,by any chance, know where Jane is?

Blake:She said she was going back to your room to rest up before the next fight.


We continued to eat until we saw team jnpr walking towards us.

Y/n:Hey guys. If your going to eat,you'll have to pay for yourselves,sorry but "someone" used my card without permission!

Yuno:It's one bowl of noodles,get over it!

Y/n:Then use your own damn money! And it's two now!

Yuno:You offered!

The Executioner(male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now