Okay, but hear me out-

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I know I promised an update on "Wait...You're Gay?", but let me explain.

Proofreading, editing, spellchecking, rewriting cause i'm a perfectionist, getting annoyed and doing it all over again is taking a lot longer than I anticipated, and I know that I, at least, would be impatient as all hell for that update. So I decided something. I'm going to be occasionally updating my Danganronpa and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure one-shots to keep some of you entertained. I put a lot on my plate, redoing two books, getting one caught up, and re-watching the source material to get inspired. It's a lot.

Not to mention COVID as well as school starting back up.

Now, don't get me wrong. I will be pouring almost all my time into the book, but I will try to post side one-shots both to confirm i'm alive, and offer something for you to wait with. If you don't really care for Danganronpa or Jojo, then by all means don't read them, but it's helping me take breaks in between, and I hope it'll at least entertain a few others as well.

I'm sorry fro the delays, and I hope this helps.

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