Jotaro x Rohan

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(WARNING: Angst ahead! Also, this takes place a few years after Diamond is unbreakable. For reference, it's roughly two weeks before Koichi and Jotaro go to find Giorno in part 5)



Jotaro's cry echoed throughout the living room, but he couldn't bear to look at the other. "...I know." Rohan scoffed, voice choking up as his hot tears streamed down his face. "So why?! Huh?! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU CHOOSE NOW!" He gripped the other's jacket, pulling him closer. "IF YOU BELIEVED THIS WAS A FUCKING MISTAKE, WHY NOW?!"

Jotaro didn't meet his eyes.

Rohan released him, and the two didn't move for a bit. "Of course you don't answer..." Jotaro gritted his teeth. "...You never do." The mangaka finished. He walked over to the kitchen island, grabbing the bottle of wine on the counter, now lukewarm from hours of fighting, and poured himself a drink.

"Can I get some?" Jotaro asked, nodding to the empty glass on the table from when he arrived. "I don't serve drink to assholes who lie to me." He spat back.

The two sat in silence.

Jotaro looked up, confused. Rohan didn't meet his gaze, though, choosing instead to watch his drink swirl in the glass he was holding. Tears rolled down his face and onto the counter, but he almost didn't seem to notice. He took a sip of his drink. "When did you want out? You said you wanted to stop this for a while, so how long ago?" He hummed, rolling his glass quietly. He watched as the liquid inside swirled around with his movements, hoping it would calm him a bit.

"...two years ago-"

He slammed his glass down and Jotaro shut up instantly. "You lead me on for two fucking years?" Rohan spat, now looking straight into Jotaro's eyes. The man in question didn't move, minus his tensing muscles.

"Yeah." Jotaro said flatly. Rohan shook his head, taking another sip. "Well, start talking..." There was no answer. Under any other circumstances, Rohan might've left it be. But he needed to know, and he was getting answers today. He was tired, angry, and on the verge of a meltdown. "I don't...please, just..." He trailed off, trying to hold back the tears in his eyes. Luckily, Jotaro got the gist. He leaned forward in the armchair he was sitting in, nodding slowly.

"Don't get me wrong, it was great- You... You were great, I just..." Jotaro paused, taking a moment to grasp his words. "I loved you? I think I loved you. But I had work, and you had work, and at some point it just felt...wrong. I didn't have enough time, and you didn't either. So we were dancing around each other all the time, and when we did meet, it was like walking on eggshells." He sighed. "I wanted it to work, but we both knew-"

"No we didn't." Jotaro looked up, watching as Rohan sighed and slumped against the counter. "What do you mean?" Rohan shook his head, burying his face into his crossed arms. "You heard me. If we knew this wasn't going to work, we would've stopped years ago..." Jotaro didn't respond.

They didn't speak for a while, waiting in hopes that something, or someone would cut the tension wafting through the room. A phone call? A stand attack? Anything?

Rohan was the one to finally break the silence.

"Since we're not...whatever we were, anymore. I guess I can say what I want now, right?" He asked softly. Jotaro raised in arms, inviting him. "Whatever you have to." Rohan nodded and raised his head. "You know, you're real fucking selfish." He called nonchalantly, pouring more wine into his glass. Jotaro was more than surprised, sitting back in his seat. "You keep saying we were both working and shit, but you wanted me to stop so FUCKING bad."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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