I Can't That Night Out of My Head

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     Here I am... Sitting in Aaron's lap, his back to a tree as we share a Heavenly kiss. He propped his legs up so his thighs were somewhat against my back. His hands trailed down my lower back to the brim of my shorts. His finger ran across the brim of them. I pulled myself closer to him. He slid his hands under my shorts. I jumped a bit. He stopped his hands and pulled away from the kiss. The dim light from the fire lit his red face.

     "Don't stop," I begged.

     "Yes, ma'am," He smirked and continued.


     The sunlight filled my vision as I opened my eyes.

     "Aaron," I sat up and looked next to me in bed. There lied the man who wouldn't leave my mind.

     "Good morning," He sat up and kissed my forehead.

     "G-Good morning," I smiled.

     "You were smiling in your sleep," Aaron chuckled.

     "W-Was I?" I blushed thinking about the dream.

     "Yeah, it was adorable," He kissed me and got out of bed. 

     I've had the dream about me and him that night for the past two days. I can't get that night out of my head. I know I loved it but still... It was two weeks ago... I should be over it. 

     Aaron slid his jacket on and walked over to our bed again.

     "I'm assuming your hungry," He smiled sweetly.

     "Yeah, I could eat," I smiled.

     "Good, because I'm hungry too. I'll start cooking," He walked into the kitchen. I giggled and slide out of bed. I walk over to Lilith who has been quite quiet this morning. She was asleep in her crib. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. As I looked down at her I felt Aaron's muscular arms around my waist.

     "Breakfast is ready," He said softly into my ear. His voice sent a trail of shivers down my spine.

     "Ok," I said as he let go of me. Lilith woke up and smiled at me. I smiled and carried her over to our little table. We ate together and I took Lilith over to Zoey's house. I dropped her off and walked back to see Aaron walking out of our house. I went up to him.

     "Aaron, can we go on a picnic today for lunch? Just me and you?" I offer.

     "That sounds nice," He smiled at me.

     "Alright, can't wait," I giggled. He looked to make sure no one could see and he kissed me softly. 

     "I love you," I whispered.

     "I love you too," He grinned.

     "I have some stuff to do. Come get me when you're ready for lunch," I smiled.

     "Ok, see ya!" He smiled. I walked off into the village.

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