•Thirty One•

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"It's so lonely when you don't even know yourself."

"Eggs, bacon

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"Eggs, bacon...she might want some juice."

Pom tried not to feel as if something terrible was going to happen. She tried to keep her spirits up and not a fumbling mess. What happened if she was related to this woman?

She never, ever thought that she might ever meet someone possibly related to her. The priestess at 'home' would tell them that it was the goddesses will that their parents gave them up. She never questioned it...it was their goddesses wish and her wishes had to be carried out. If this woman with her last name was in fact related to her did she even have the right to ask her questions?

Pom groaned softly, wiping her face with her hands as she tried to think of what her mate would do. She would love to just press herself against him and breathe in his scent. His scent made her mind clearer, made her vision better. War was a busy man though, and she had to respect that...him being a warrior meant sometimes she had to deal with things on her own.

Not freaking out was something she definitely had to figure out on her own. War had given her so much in such a little time span, the most she could do for both of them was give him some space and try to calm her spirits on her own...

The door bell rang. Pom gripped the plate tightly in her hands. It wouldn't be anyone she knew of, or used to know her. She had to think logically...

Mei was talking and she heard voices. Maybe two, she couldn't just hide in the kitchen. She had to be hospitable, this was technically her temporary home.

Taking a deep breath, she combed through her dark curls and practiced her smile. After a few seconds of giving herself a little mental pep talk, she made her way to the living room.

The first thing she noticed was two men sitting across from Luna Mei. Both in all black. The one who was speaking had black hair slicked back and tanned skin. Pomelia noticed that he had a burn maybe on the side of his face? It looked as if it was healed...but she knew it had to have been painful.

The other man had striking blue eyes, almost like Wars. Her mates eyes were of course more beautiful but the man had a nice pair. He wore a black hat and a serious expression on his face.

"Hi," Pom interrupted them awkwardly. The two newcomers immediately had their eyes on her. The man who had the burn mark on his face was staring at her oddly. The other man looked at her the same, a little less suspicion on his face though.

Mei stood up and smiled, slinging her bony arm around her neck. "Juan this is Pomelia...ah Peter this Pomelia. She's a...friend of mine," Luna Mei told the men as they both stood.

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