Chapter 1: Enhanced

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-I wake up on a cold metal table, my arms and legs strapped down, unable to escape. I struggle with the restraints, pulling against them with all my strength, but they don't give. I hear the door swing open and focus my attention on my possible kidnapper. It's dark over by the door so I squint in an attempt to see who it is, but to no avail. A small chuckle comes from the corner of the room, then my mother steps into the small circle of light that surrounds me. My features twist in confusion, but I still call out to her, thinking she is here to save me.

-Instead of undoing the straps on my extremities, she laughs and picks up a syringe filled with a glowing silver liquid. I watch in horror as she stabs the needle deep into my arm and pushes down on the plunger, forcing the beautiful liquid into my body. I thrash in agony as it flows throughout my veins. It is almost as though it is setting my nerves on fire, burning me from the inside out. I cannot stop the screams coming from my throat and the tears that pour from my eyes. One final scream escapes me as my eyes are blinded by a bright light.

-I jerk awake, a scream caught in my throat and small beads of sweat on my forehead. I blink hard and wait for my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness of the room. The gruff sound of Strucker's voice fills the small space. "Get up. Now." I quickly get out of my small bed and look down at the floor in front of his feet. I refuse to look him in the eye or give him any form of respect. The man who killed my family will never get respect from me. One of the guards walk in and throw a changing of clothes on the floor in front of me. Strucker speaks again. "Change quickly. We have a big day today."

-Once he and his guards leave the room, I change into the simple white t-shirt and black leggings. I then slip on my white tennis shoes and knock on the door 3 times, letting them know I am done. The door swing open and I am escorted, in silence, to todays destination.

-This has been my life since I was 12 years old. Since my mother, a high ranking scientist in HYDRA, decided that I would become her next test subject. I am one of the lucky ones though. My genes mutated and accepted the silver serum that she had injected me with many years ago, giving me extraordinary abilities. That sounds amazing doesn't it? That is not the case. Because my mutation was a success, HYDRA keeps me alive, hoping that one day they can use me as a weapon.

-We reach the door of a rather large room and the guards roughly push me through, slamming it behind me. I look around and softly gasp when I see a girl sitting on the floor in the center of the room. I cautiously step toward her and clear my throat. "Hello? Are you okay?" She jumps up at the sound of my voice and turns around to face me, her eyes glowing bright red. "Who are you?!" She hisses at me in her thick Romanian accent. I take a step back. "I am an enhanced. You must be too." Her head cocks to the side and the red in her eyes fades away, allowing them to return to their original color, brown. "I'm sorry I acted that way. I did not know you were one of us." She says with an apologetic smile. I raise my eyebrow at her. "Us?" Her smile grows as she calls over her shoulder. "Pietro! Get in here!"

-Not even a second later, a bluish-silver streak appears and stops beside the girl. My heart skips a beat as I look at the man in front of me. He is undoubtedly the most attractive man I have ever seen. He is tall, about 6' 1 or 2 with flawless pale skin, striking blue eyes, and silvery white hair that is dark brown at the root. His perfectly sculpted face is framed with a dark stubble that matches the roots of his hair.

-Normally I find facial hair unattractive, but somehow, it makes him look even sexier. He looks over at me and shows me a wide smile, his white teeth gleaming. "Well hello there." His accent is thicker than his sister's and the baritone of his voice sends shivers down my spine. I feel the blush on my face as I shyly grin at him. "Hello." He steps toward me with an outstretched hand. "My name is Pietro Maximoff and this is my sister Wanda. What is yours?" I place my hand in his. "Savannah Demetriev." I expect him to shake my hand, but he does not.

-Instead he brings it up to his lips and places a kiss on the back of it. I feel goosebumps appear all over my body as he peers up at me from beneath his thick, dark lashes. "A pleasure to meet you Savannah." My face flushes again and he chuckles. Wanda walks toward me, that same warm smile on her face. "It is nice to see another face. There aren't many 20 year olds here." She says with a small chuckle. "How old are you?" I notice Pietro hasn't let go of my hand and I do my best not to blush. "18. As far as I know anyways. I don't exactly have a calendar." Both she and Pietro laugh at my statement. Although I didn't mean for it to be funny, I find myself laughing with them.

-All of a sudden, the door swings open and in walks the perpetual pain in my ass. Strucker. He has a satisfied smile on his face as he looks at the 3 of us. "I'm glad to see you all getting on nicely because from this point forward Savannah will be staying with you two." He says to the twins. I feel his hand beneath my chin as he brings my gaze up to meet his. Pietro's hand tightens around mine as Strucker speaks. "You have worked hard little one. You have proved your loyalty to HYDRA." I nod my head and he takes his hand away. He looks back at the twins. "Take her to your room." After the two nod, he spins on his heel and leaves the room. I look over at Wanda as she grabs my other hand and begins pulling me behind her, a huge smile on her face. I find myself laughing as she leads me through the dark halls to their room. 

-We eventually reach a cream, nondescript door and Wanda releases my hand. "You go in first." I smile at her and open the door, my smile growing as I take in the details of their room. Two beds are against one wall and another is against the wall across from it. A medium sized closet is right beside a door that must lead to a bathroom. Random drawings are on the wall as decoration and a few stray socks are lying on the floor. It reminds me of home. My heart clenches at the painful memory and a tear slides down my cheek. I spin around and envelop Wanda into a hug. Once she releases me, I do the same to Pietro, who chuckles as he rests his chin on my head. I smile into his chest as I inhale his pleasant, earthy scent. My miserable life in HYDRA has just gotten so much better.

A/N: I only own the character Savannah and her later mentioned family. All others belong to Marvel. This is my first story and I am writing it on my cellphone, so I am extremely sorry if there is any grammar mistakes. Please leave comments and any constructive criticism you have would be appreciated. And, just to let you know, this story is influenced by Avengers: Age of Ultron, but it does not follow the movie exactly. Again I'm sorry.

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