Chapter 10: Sokovia pt.1

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-I sit on the quinjet beside Pietro, my hand holding onto his for dear life. Every time somebody mentions Sokovia or Ultron, I get a bad feeling. Like no matter how much we plan, I know something is going to go wrong. Pietro looks over at me with his eyebrow raised. I must have squeezed his hand without realizing it. I look over at him and shake my head. It's not that I don't want to tell him, I just don't know how to explain it. I tried to tell Tony about what this feeling earlier this morning, but he played it off as nerves. I wish that were true.

-I look out the windshield of the jet and see our destination in the distance. Sokovia is the twins home and I can tell that they would do anything they could to protect it. It's citizens included. I shift my gaze to Pietro and see that, behind his brave face, there is a little sadness within his eyes. I remove my hand from his and wrap my arms around his strong body. He sighs contentedly and holds me tight against him.

-I inhale his comforting scent and sigh. I love this boy more than anything in the world. I know that if I had to choose between saving his life or my own, I would choose his every time. I bring my eyes up to meet his. "You have my heart. Always remember that." His eyebrows furrow with a silent question, but he doesn't ask. Instead, he leans down and gives me a quick kiss. "I love you too Princessa. Always."

-He pulls me back against him and we stay like that until Cap breaks the silence. He lists off the jobs of each individual of the team as he hands out small ear pieces. He hands me and the twins ours then crosses his arms over his chest. "Savannah, you and the twins will evacuate the city. I don't want a single civilian in harms way today. After that, if we need you to fight, we will radio you and let you know." I put my ear piece in my ear and switch it on. "Can you hear me?" Cap smiles down at me. "Loud and clear Electra."

-I step forward and give him a quick hug then walk over to Clint and give him one as well. "Be safe okay? I'm done losing people." I say, looking back and forth between the two of them. They exchange a look before smiling and looking back at me. "Yes ma'am." They say simultaneously. I smile and roll my eyes before turning back around to face Pietro. "Ready to save the day Speedy?" He smirks playfully at me before sweeping me up into his arms, holding me bridal style. "Of course Princessa." He says before speeding off the jet and into the city.

-Our first stop is the police station. Pietro sets me back on my feet before running inside. "You are under attack. Evacuate the city. Now." I hear him say to the officers before he returns to my side. We watch for a few seconds and when we don't see any movement, I grab a gun out of the armored truck beside me. I toss it to Pietro who smirks and runs back inside the building. He fires a few shots into the ceiling and this seems to get them moving. He tosses the gun to one of the officers. "Get off your asses." I laugh quietly as Pietro reappears. He smirks down at me as he picks me up again. "That got them off their asses."

-We speed off again, this time running through the city's streets, looking for any civilians. We find a group of stragglers and start to lead them out of the city when the ground begins to tremble beneath us. I look around us and what I see nearly makes my heart stop in my chest. The city is raising up off the ground. I look over at Pietro and I see the same emotion in his eyes. Fear. If the city were to get high enough in the air and then be dropped back down, the impact would be like exactly like that of the asteroid that caused the dinosaurs extinction. Ultron said he would cause the Avengers extinction and this is how he would do do it.

-Captain's voice comes in over the radio, disrupting my thoughts. "The city is going up, get all remaining civilians to the market on the edge of town. Tony find a way to bring us back down." I look back over at Pietro. "You heard the man. Lets get these people to safety." A smile lights up his face and he nods at me. I turn around and face the small crowd behind us. "We are heading to the market. You will be safe there." I don't wait for their response, I just spin on my heel and start walking toward the market. The bad feeling from earlier is back and its getting worse by the second. I grab Pietro's hand in mine, hoping that his closeness will help calm me down.

-He stops and looks down at me, his eyes filled with concern. "What is wrong Princessa?" I bite my lip, trying to figure out how to say this without me sounding paranoid. "I have a bad feeling Pietro. I don't know what or when or how, but I know something bad is going to happen. I know I sound paranoid. I'm scared." He brings his hands up to cradle my face, a sad smile on his own. "You do not sound paranoid. You are worried about the people you care about. I worry about you and Wanda constantly, even if their is nothing to worry about." I stand up on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a quick peck on the nose. He chuckles. "Lets get back to work Electra." I chuckle and make my eyes glow. "Lets go."

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