Part 1- I was Me.

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      What am I feeling.. Is this fear, nervousness, happiness,... hyped-ness?

Dang it, i was just starting to have a deep sleep. Oh well.. It's 6 a.m., my alarm clock just rang and i got to get ready for the most awaited day of the month; First day of school.

Hold up, is my ankle okay..? I straightened out my leg slowly to make sure i don't stress out any of my leg/foot joints.

It's been at least 3 months since iv'e gotten myself into an accident and got fractured on my ankle. It hasn't been easy. Staying at home, eating on a personal mini table on the sofa while watching random youtubers celebrate their own life every single day while i had to stay here and be bored forever.

So hey, Korin.. um don't you have any friends?..

..Pssshh of course i do. They have a life of their own though, you know. (In other words, their parents wont let them visit me.) Don't ask me! I literally have no idea why.

I felt pretty lonely for those past 3 months not knowing how i would move, walk, or even take my own precious time in the bathroom myself. And yes, I do have a personal potty chair. It's not a fun story to know, but hey, at least i don't get to sit where other bums sit on too. Disgusting.

"Koriiiinnn!! Where are you?! It's already past 7 and you're not down yet!"

Time check, it's just 6:10. Mom, why you gotta be like this every time? I'm pretty sure most of us can relate on that.

"Comiiiing!! I'm.. uh.. placing pads in my bra!" Not the best excuse...but eh, that'll work

Psyche! It didn't.

"Korin, if you won't go down here at this moment, your losing half your allowance for this week"

Of course i know she's kidding. Gee, whatever, we have almost the same attitude anyway so there's a 40% chance that she meant that. I'm definitely going down.

woah.. it's so cold and dark

The opaque, tinted window pane on our stair wall says it all. It's already 6:23 and it's still pretty dark outside. I wondered how the air would feel later outside. It's most definitely cold. We're on the way to mid-August.

As my barefoot reached the cold floor, i grabbed my necktie which hanged on the head of the stairway handle pole. We hang e-verything there; body bags, identification cards, more identification cards, medals.. and basically anything you can place around your neck, you name it.

"Mom! I.." Mom hushed me down. "Diana's still sleeping. Keep your voice down."

As if that sleepy head would bother to wake up.. gee.

"'Kay korin, what is it?" Mom said as she was bringing the pan of rice to the marble counter.

"I forgot." I swear, i seriously forgot what i was about to say just a minute ago.

"That's what you get from sleeping late and being on your phone all the time." Gee, she always says that. As if sleeping at 10:30 p.m. and being on my phone discontinuously for 9 hours would affect my memory big time.

Anyways, I went inside our little "clutter" room and packed my pink waterproof bag with my things (needed and not needed) Do I really need to bring all these stuff....oh well, I'm better as a girl scout

And then, I clearly had no choice but to hustle my way out of that room.

Ow.. ow.. ow! My ankle.. It got hit by the corner of the sofa bed inside that v-e-r-y trusty room.

"Eat, brush your teeth, take you allowance on the table and go!" Mom always jokes around like that even when she's on her sleepiest time of the day.

I chuckled and while taking my things to the sofa in the living room. "You don't have to joke around like that.. What's the catch?"

"There's no catch, silly. You seem gloomy for an exciting day. Cheer up, dreamy-head!"

I waved my head side to side sarcastically, sat down on my dining chair and finally, had my first glance of my favorite--

Pot pie.. oh gosh!

Of so much excitement, of course i shoved my food in my mouth, conscious of how hungry I am and also how the time went by so fast.

As I finished eating, did all what i needed to fix more systematically.

"Ya sure you don't need me to accompany you to school anymore?" As I listened to her say that as i also pictured it in my mind, I eventually got terrified. "No mom. I'm fine!"

Seriously, how am I supposed to take care of my reputation for the rest of senior years if I'm going to start it.. you know, that way. Nu-uh, nu-uh.

"Gotta go now.." I kissed her cheek and went off.

By the time I make it out the house, the cab driver leaned out of the window of his car and said, "Where are we heading to? "R.A.N.H" I said as I wrestled my hoodie in my bag while getting in the backseat of the cab. From there, off we went to Reese Adam's North High.

R.A.N.H.. believe me, it felt kinda awkward saying that. I'm a transferee. I didn't wanna stay in Penter High. You may say it's great that iv'e already built my reputation, so i won't have to make any more efforts cus who cares? Truth is, I can't keep up with a bad reputation. Yes, bad. Yabaaii! I constantly had PDA slips because of how i smooched with every boyfriend i had there. It's a small school, there's not much "guys" to pick from. Iv'e also been catfished. This senior introduced himself with a complete "I-am-straaaighht" aura. He's really good at it. Later on, I found out he was gay after i tried to make out with him unconsciously under the security camera at the back storage room of our school. Nevertheless, I've been looking forward to something else in my upcoming S.H.S years anyway. There's two years. What can I expect less from a new school.

The air is still freezing cold. The sky is a perfect, pale blue mixed with orange and purple. The sun has just risen, weak and watery looking, like it has just spilled itself over the horizon and is too lazy to clean itself up. It kinda reminds me of the music video "I'm so tired.." of my all-time-favorite song artist, Lauv. It's supposed to rain later, but you'd never really know.

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