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Cain never felt more alive. Ruth watched him, surprised that her potion actually worked. She gave Cain a hug. "You have no idea how much has changed.. No idea." Cain seemed curious, his violet eyes eyeing her with fascination. "Like what?" Ruth winked at her confused half-brother,grinning.
"You'll see."
He rubbed his eyes with his sleeves, averting his eyes from one place to another, bewildered by the glimmering lights before him. "So, how are mum and dad?"
"Pam and Seth? They're good, got back together again. I live with my mother. I don't see dad much."
Cain shuddered at the thought of Raegan, the woman who ruined his life twelve years ago. He gave Ruth an awkward smile and pretended to look around.
Ruth noticed his awkwardness and frowned, "Anything wrong?"
He jumped and replied, "No.. Im just.. A little overwhelmed.."
"Overwhelmed?" She looked puzzled, wondering what was going on with Cain.
"You won't understand." He said, eyes going black.
Ruth was taken aback, "Uh oh.."

At Raegan's...

Raegan took a few deep breaths, desperate to find her resentful child. She yelled across the streets, "Ruth! Ruth where are you? Ruth!" The people in San Myshuno questioned the white-blonde haired woman screaming out a random girl's name. "D-did you see a black-haired young woman with vibrant, vivid pink eyes?" Rae asked an ancient-looking woman with a box of peculiar bottles of some kind of liquid in her arms.
"Yes! She went in Glimmerbrook, quite a strange town..." Raegan thanked the old woman and rushed towards Glimmerbrook.

Back to the Magical Realm..

"Calm down, Cain.. Please..?" she pleaded with him.
He didn't listen and he blasted purple light from his hands. Ruth dodged them all and shot red light from hers. Cain was stronger and overpowered his younger sister, leaving her on the ground with a black eye. She took a deep breath and stood up. White Cain wasn't looking, Ruth shot all she got at him and he fell to the ground, stock-still. Realising what she had done, she came to his aid and sat him up. He opened his lilac eyes and asked her, "What the hell did I just do?" looking at the destroyed architecture of the magnificent Magical Realm. "You messed up!" Ruth beamed. She scratched her black eye and complained to him, "Was it necessary that you had to do that?" Cain chuckled and put his arm around his half-sister's shoulder.
"Yes, it was."
They walked towards Glimmerbrook, Cain inquiring about how much the world could've changed while he was gone.

Back to Glimmerbrook..

They ventured back to Glimmerbrook, both taking in the fresh air and the soothing sound of the trees. Ruth knocked on her best friend Manyeo's door and she explained to her what happened to her brother Cain. She was confused but she understood. Cain introduced himself and found Manyeo quite pleasing and quite interesting, mainly because of her magical heritage and her prowess.
Just then, they heard a knock on the door, Manyeo coming out to see who it was. Ruth's heart skipped a beat.
It was her own mother.

Anguish II - A Cain Villareal StoryWhere stories live. Discover now