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Warning: death!

''Ruth Villareal!'' Raegan yelled,furious.

''Mother,no! This isn't what it seems,this isn't what you think...'' Ruth pleaded.

''Oh yeah? Then what's he doing here?'' Raegan asked,pointing at Cain.

''He's back,mother. He's back.''

Cain grinned,''Hey Raegan,long time no see. How's my scum of a father?''

''Seth's not a scum!'' she complained.

''To me he is. He betrayed me,Ruth and all of our ancestors of noble blood.''

''Noble blood?'' Raegan asked,confused. ''What do you mean?''

Cain laughed,his eyes turning black once again,''Seth ashamed our ancestors,the noble Spicer witches! His blood is useless and dirty. He does not deserve what he has!''

''E-eve?'' Raegan shivered,everything was turning cold. They weren't in Glimmerbrook anymore,they were somewhere else.


Just then,Raegan heard shrill,pleading cries and screams far away from her own position. She immediately reognised the voice.


Raegan was furious,''What are you doing to her?''

''My minion is taking good care of her,she'll be fine,or as fine as she can get under my control.''


''You choose Raegan. Sacrifice or let your own daughter die. Your choice,I'll take either. I'd say the first option,Ruth has more potential than anyone,even me.''

Rae sighed,''If it means Ruth is safe..''

''Good choice.''

Eve dismissed the minion,Ruth falling to the ground. Raegan took a deep breath and stepped forward. ''I'm ready.''


Eve cast a spell,causing Raegan to scream in uncontrollable pain. She was dizzy,the world was spinning in darkness. Everything went black.

Then,Ruth sprung up,''Cain? What just happened..''

Cain scratched the  back of his head. But before he could answer,Raven came into the room.

''Raegan's gone. Eve's spirit lives in you,Cain.''

Anguish II - A Cain Villareal StoryWhere stories live. Discover now