11.75 - You wouldn't know

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Author's Note: As promised, this is a new chapter with Yibo. Also, the book hit 2k reads. Hope this double update suffice as a 2k benefit. I couldn't believe it when i saw it this morning. I wrote this book because i couldn't sleep a few weeks ago and uploaded just for fun. The good news is I'm writing another story. Will update you guys once i finish editing the cover. Have a great day guys!

Yuxin came back to the table. "Are you okay? You look shaken." Yibo asked Yuxin because she looks discomposed even though she is trying her best to act like herself.

"I'm okay. I just met someone I didn't want to meet on the way back." Yuxin told Yibo with a faint smile. She appreciates his company for the night. Without him, she wouldn't be able to distract her feelings.

"Let's get out of here. We can go somewhere quiet." Yibo told her and she nodded. They left together away from the crowd.

Kun, who just came back from the toilet, saw this. He was going to follow her but was stopped by FILA's senior manager, "Kun grab a drink and let's take a photo." After taking the photo, he tried to search for her but couldn't find Yuxin or Yibo. He mentally curses himself. 'I don't want to let go yet.'

Yuxin is now in Yibo's car on a drive. "So, what have you been doing these past few months?" Yibo asked her. "I'm preparing for my new album. It should be coming out on the 30th." Yuxin replied.

"I'll be anticipating. Is it a dance song?"

"Yes, do you want to listen?" Yuxin asked.

"Of course, why would I say no?" Yibo said and smiled.

Yuxin opened Beatholic for him. "Wow, it's really catchy. Did you write the lyrics?" Yibo asked.

'Kun said the same thing and asked me the same question then.' Yuxin thought to herself.

"Thanks. And yeah, I wrote the lyrics." Yuxin replied with a smile.

"Talent." Yibo replied with an approving agreement and nodding. "Do you want to grab dinner?" he continued.

"Sure, I'm always in for food. I'm hungry." Yuxin said while rubbing her stomach and it growled as if it was planned. This made both of them laugh.

They are at a small restaurant hidden in a street. "What do you want to eat?" Yibo asked.

"The steak and some appetiser maybe?"

"Okay, let's get the cheesy loaded fries."

They ordered their food and is now enjoying the calm ambience. Unconsciously, Yibo has been staring at Yuxin. Noticing this, "Is there something on my face?" Yuxin asked as she take out her phone to check.

"Nothing." He replied and smiled.

They talked about dancing, street dancing to be precise and Yibo made jokes once in a while to bring the mood up. Yuxin is laughing along with him but her mind was somewhere else. She can't help but think about what Kun wanted to say in front of the toilet but never said.

After dinner, Yibo sent Yuxin home. "We should have a dance off one day. I think I can freestyle battle you 1v1." Yibo proudly said.

"Oh really? That's only because you haven't seen all of my moves yet." Yuxin smirked. "Anyways, thank you for today and the meal. Also, for taking me out of there." Yuxin smiled looking at him.

They made eye contact and Yibo moved closer to her. Yuxin realising this, she put her hand on his chest motioning him to stop. "I'm sorry, Yibo. I can't do this. There's someone I miss dearly and I can't do this if I still have him inside my heart. I'm sorry." Yuxin said biting her lips and not looking at him because she feels bad.

Yibo smiled at this. He feels thankful that Yuxin is truthful to her feelings. "It's okay, Yuxin. I think I got ahead of myself and embarrassed myself. You have a good night." He laughed awkwardly.

"Thank you for tonight and good night to you too, Yibo." Yuxin bowed and left the car.

After that, she recalled the order of events that happened tonight. It almost feels like a deja vu back to the day when she and Kun went for their first dinner date together after listening to her songs and planning for a dance practice later.

Then she realised herself that she indeed still misses him even after all these months. But he wouldn't know.

Kun, on the other hand, after the event dragged himself back to his apartment. He took out his precious baijiu (Chinese liquor) and started drinking. He wanted to erase everything he saw tonight of her being happy with another guy that is not him. Tears began to form in his eyes for the second time today. "What am I supposed to do?" He asked himself and continued to drink.

He misses her very much but she wouldn't know.

He called his manager, "How is the stalker situation?" He asked almost angrily. "The decision by the court should be approved in a few days." the manager replied. He ended the call. At least that is some good news.

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