Chapter twenty three

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It was the early hours of the morning when they heard a crashing noise from the direction of the entrance hall. Danny awoke at once.

"What on earth was that?" He asked with a frown. Brandon sat up with a frown.

"I don't know." He replied. Grabbing his wand and getting up, Danny grabbed his arm.

"Bran please, don't go." He whispered.

"I'm just going to see what's going on." Brandon told him gently, taking Danny's hand from his arm.

"Bran please." Danny begged him. Brandon kissed his forehead.

"I'll be five minutes I promise." Brandon told him.

"Then I'm coming with you." Danny said getting up.

"No." Brandon and Phillip said at the same.

"Stay here, I don't want you getting hurt." Brandon told him. Danny shook his head.

"What if you get hurt?"

"You're not going anywhere." Phillip said, hooking an arm around his brothers waist to stop him from going after Brandon. "Just let us know what's happening." A second explosion sounded from outside.

"I'll be right back, I promise." Brandon told them, before opening the door and stepping out into the main hospital wing, he saw Danny trying to fight Phillip to get to him.

"Mr Fawley, you need to get somewhere safe." Professor longbottom appeared behind him.

"Professor, what's going on?' Brandon frowned. Professor Longbottom wiped his brow stressfully.

"The neo death eaters have broken into the castle, you need to get somewhere safe." The man sighed. "I have to go and fight."

Having fought in the last wizarding war, Brandon could tell that Longbottom did not want to fight again.

"I'm going to fight." Brandon said determinedly. He cast a few protective spells on the door to the side room of the hospital wing where Danny was. He felt like he was breaking a promise, but he had to protect his home, and if the death eaters got hold of Danny, Brandon would lose his mind.

"Please be careful Brandon, I know I can't stop you, but I have to insist you hide." Professor Longbottom told him. Brandon nodded.

"I have to try." He replied. The man nodded and headed out of the hospital wing, Brandon following him.

The neo death eaters, in the cloaks and masks of old were deep in battle with teachers and students. Their aim was to recruit, a thing evident only in the fact that unlike the last battle that took place in the castle, they were not casting the killing curse, only 'stupefy'. In some ways it was scarier, as they were capturing those they thought 'worthy', those that fought well, that they could try and control. Most would rather be killed.

Brandon thought suddenly of Danny, if his dad was a death eater, would they know that he was magical? Would they come after him? He did not dare to think about it, he shot a disarming charm at a death eater who had just noticed him.

"Bran!" Lily appeared at his shoulder. "Where have you been?"

"Danny's here, I have to protect him." He replied, protecting him and Lily from an incoming attack.

"What? Why is he here? This is the most dangerous place for him!" She exclaimed, throwing a hex at a death eater that turned to look at them.

"He's magic, it's a long story." Brandon told her. "I'll tell you later."

"You'd better do." She responded threateningly. He nodded.

"Of course." He nodded, dodging out the way of an incoming curse. "Come on, we need to get out of here." He grabbed her hand and the two ran out of the way of an incoming spell.

"What the hell is happening?" Rosa asked, running up to them, Brandon glanced over his shoulder to see Danny's father running to the hospital wing.

"No!" The words had barely left his mouth before he was hurtling after the man, who was storming around the hospital wing, trying to open the door to the side room.

Despite all of Brandon's enchantments, Mr Marsh managed to break into the room. Brandon following him. Phillip jumped up protectively, and Brandon made a grab for Danny, preparing himself for a fight.

"Daddy?" Sophie asked uncertainly from where Philip had a tight grip on her forearm.

"Sophia, Daniel." Mr Marsh looked from one to the other. "And Brandon, how lovely."

"What do you want dad?" Phillip asked, there was an anger in his eyes that he hadn't displayed before and it was terrifying.

"Well you're a lost cause Phillip, but my little ones are perfect." Mr Marsh did not pay much attention to his oldest son. "And Brandon too."

"I don't understand." Danny frowned, Sophie broke free of Phillip's grip and ran to him. He hugged her tightly.

"My friends and I are going to train you to be powerful wizards." Mr Marsh replied. "Do you remember how I said that the time would come when something big was going to happen?"

Both Danny and Sophie nodded slowly.

"Well that time is now, so so why don't you come with your old dad huh?" Mr marsh offered his hand to his youngest children. "And Daniel you can bring Brandon of course, he's very welcome."

"You do not touch them!" Philip yelled advancing towards his father, but as soon as Mr Marsh pointed his wand at him, he backed down.

"I...I don't understand." Danny said timidly. Brandon had hold of his hand tightly.

"Do you remember what I said to you the first time I was sent away?"

"Not really you were breaking my ribs." Danny replied.

"I told you that you were important and that you were special." Mr Marsh replied, as though he hadn't heard what Danny had said. "We'll get these enchantments off you and you'll be a powerful and amazing wizard who can fight for our cause."

"Which is what exactly?" Brandon asked critically.

"To make the world a better place of course." Mr Marsh replied. "Now, you don't want to make me angry, so why don't we leave." He extended his hand to them again.

"No!" Phillip and Brandon yelled at the same time.

"Its not really an option." Mr Marsh laughed, "You want to come with your old Dad, don't you?"

Neither Sophie nor Danny said anything. Mr Marsh just laughed again and grabbed Danny's shoulder. The four suddenly disappeared into a whirling of scenery and the sickening feeling that came with apparating.

Brandon was terrified for where they were going and what was going to happen to them. He was just thankful that he was there for his boyfriend and that no one was going to take him away from him. It was just the neo death eaters they had to contend with now.

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