Ten - happy

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Ugh. I need to write more of this 😂 lol I'm behind on this book but don't worry I'll make sure to get this out to you guys :) I'm so happy I almost have 100 votes and on the way to 1K reads like srsly you guys are the bestest readers ever!!!!!!!!! :D

This is it. My first day back to school and my seventh day clean even though my wrists still burned like hell. I walk next to Rob before we part ways.
"Power!" I hear a deep voice yell from across the whole school. I turn around to be knocked to the ground by Mitch's large body. Oh shit he's angry.

Same secret POV
This was it. This was my chance to hopefully get back on Lachlan's good side.
"Mitch stop!" I yell pulling Mitch off the poor boy.
"Vikk? Since when do you care about him?" Mitch asks with a confused look.
"You shouldn't be hurting him. You shouldn't be hurting anyone and I've recently realized that."
"Vikk don't bring yourself into this like that." Lachlan says getting up and walking up to us. "Besides. I've realized something. I can fight back." He walks up to Mitch and connects his fist with his jaw. Mitch stumbles backwards holding his jaw. Mitch walks away without any other punches being thrown.
"Are you okay?" I ask Lachlan who's just stares at the ground blankly.
"Yeah.... it's just why did you stand up for me?" He looks at me his face flushed of color.
"I'm not sure. I just realized that what he was doing was wrong." I lied. The real reason was because I loved him and I couldn't stand seeing him like that.
"Oh. Well thanks." He gives a fake smile and walks away. How do I know it was fake? I've made one plenty of times before.

Why did Vikk stand up for me? Why couldn't he have done it sooner? I know Mitch will come after him now and I can't let anyone else get hurt because of me. Rob told me Mitch tried but he was quicker and smarter. I decide to take a walk in the park again and sit next to a tree where's it's shady. I look up seeing a small bird's nest small sounds coming out of it. I smile before seeing it start to slightly shake.

I stand up seeing the nest start slowly moving. I couldn't let them die. No, I just couldn't. I drop my backpack on the ground and climb up the tree and moving the nest over so it's stably on the branch. I smile thinking I could've saved the baby bird's life. It probably could've survived maybe it knows how to fly but I let myself life my small moment. let myself be happy, something I haven't done in a long time.

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