Where's My Charger?

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Sometimes my fake smile doesn't want to work anymore.

You know how when you use your phone too much you have to charge it?


My smile is like that except I am always using it so I never have time to charge it.

So it starts to fade until it doesn't work anymore.


I can't be fake anymore.

I break.

I crash.

I have a melt down.

No laughs.

No jokes.

No smiles.

No joy.

No happiness.

Not even any hope.

Only despair.

Only sadness.

Only tears.

This lasts for a while.

And people worry.

Woah she's always happy!

Where is her smile?

But then...

Thankfully my smile is charged up again.

Now good ole fake me is back.

And people say oh she must've just had a bad day.


It isn't that.

I just had to charge my smile.

Sorry it took so long.

The smile is pretty old.

It doesn't hold a charge very well anymore.

But I try.

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