chapter 21: time for a pet.

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y/n defeated the rhino after a long battle and decided to go to his house to relax. later, Gwen and Gwen poole came over to his house to see how he was doing.

(gwenpool: yes! I'm in a chapter again!)

Gwen: are you sure everything is alright? you seem a little depressed.

y/n: I'm always depressed. every nerd feels depressed.

Gwen poole: she means more than usual y/n.

y/n: oh...yeah I guess you got a point.

gwen: is there anything we can do to help you?

y/n: how about you finally admitting that you like me?

gwen: i-i've always liked you as a friend. w-why do you-

y/n: no I mean't "like" like me.

Gwen turned red in the face and passed out on y/n floor with steam coming from her ears.

Gwen poole: cool, you broke her.

y/n: hehehe...that was kinda funny.

Gwen poole: hmmm...maybe you should get a pet!

y/n: a pet? I don't know...aunt may might throw a fit.

Gwen poole: c'mon! it's the perfect way to cure depression!

y/n: HEY! I'm not that depressed!

Gwen poole: c'mon! just try it!


and so y/n went to the pet shop to see what animal he should get. once he got there he saw that there was a wide selection of animals.

y/n:"a fish? nah they die too soon. a lizard? nope I wouldn't be able to find it if it got lost. a dog? tempting but it'll risk my identity."

y/n then saw the cats and decided he would get one.

y/n: this one looks nice...i'll take it!

y/n bought the cat as well as buy a red collar for the cat and cat food

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y/n bought the cat as well as buy a red collar for the cat and cat food. he had milk at home so that was taken care of.  y/n decided to name her trixie. y/n decided to show  trixie to Gwen and Gwen poole.

gwen: aww she's adorable!

Gwen poole: let me pet it...just once!

y/n: err well ok.

Gwen and Gwen poole played around with the kitty for a while. y/n fed trixie and gave her a shower (which ended in multiple scratches around his chest)

Aunt may: are you sure about this y/n? cats are a big responsibility.

y/n: trust me. if anyone should know anything about responsibility it's me.

and was how y/n got a pet.

( in celebration of Spider-Man day, I decided to make another chapter! I hoped you guys enjoyed and I hope too y'all later! ciao for now!)

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