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I woke up with rain hitting my face only to see that I was not on the ground and that the monster was holding me with one arm on my neck, another on my waist, and the other two holding my legs. I came to reality that he was holding me. He gave a small smile, but I was lost and screamed. "No! Let me go!" I said and slapped him and ran back inside. 

I tightly shut the door then slid down and saw the stopper. I pushed it down and backed up to the wall. I panted, thinking I was safe now. "It's a nightmare. I'll wake up, I'll wake up, I'll wake up." I whimpered, pulling my knees close. After a few seconds, I started to here a sweet voice singing outside and peeked out to see that it was the monster. 

I...I hide my light in side a cloak of night

Beneath the red scarf and a chapeau 

The pearl of my heart locked within a shell

Too afraid to let it go, to let it show

And all the headlines read for the whole world to see

A Monster in Paris

I fall apart, I fall apart, apparently

I did appear beneath the light, yes it was me

A Monster in Paris

I hide my pain inside a melody 

It's as if the notes I sing set me free

I keep all my dreams under a lock and key

I'm so afraid that they will fly, away from me

A Monster in Paris

A Monster in Paris

A Monster in Paris

I grabbed my umbrella and walked outside as he looked down sadly. I walked over and held my umbrella over him, blocking the rain as he looked up in surprise with a small chirp. I gave a warm smile to see the he really didn't mean any harm. "Do you have a name?" I asked softly as he chirped again. I looked over to a sign that read "Passage Francoeur" and smiled for it would be a great name for him. "How about Francoeur?" I asked as he chirped again. "It means 'honest heart'." I said and tilted my head with a smile as he gave a kind one back, seeming to like that name. 

"Follow me." I said and lead him inside, closing my umbrella and put it away. "Wait here." I said when we reached the dressing room as I had to prep Lucille before I let him enter. "Hey, Luce? We have a guest, but you can't freak out." I said as I stayed by the door. "Freak out about what? It's not Raoul, is it?" She asked as she stood up with her hands on her hips. "Uh, no. He's about seven foot." I said with a nervous giggle. "Well, who is it? It better not be the commissioner. I can't stand him anymore." She said as I giggled again. "Uh, no. He's a bit famous here in Paris." I said with a nervous smile and let Francoeur in. 

Her face turned from curiosity to fear as she went to scream, but I quickly ran over and covered her mouth. "He's not here to hurt us. He's harmful. Trust me." I said as she looked at me like I was nuts. I looked a Francoeur as he chirped curiously. "Promise not to scream?" I asked as she nodded. I slowly removed my hands as she looked at him. "How do you know he won't hurt us?" She asked as I smiled. "People say crazy things when scared. If he wanted to hurt us, don't you think he would already be doing that? Plus, he has such a wonderful voice." I said with a smile as she crossed her arms. 

"Okay, okay. Well, does he have a name? Besides the Monster?" She asked as he chirped. "I'm calling him Francoeur." I said as I lead him over to Lucilles desk and started dressing him in a white suit with a blue vest. I put his things on a mannequin and touched up on the sleeve of the suit since it had a hole. I used my teeth to cut the string and smiled at my work. "Be patient I'm nearly done." I said with a smile and stood up. "Hey, Luce? Where's our wigs?" I asked and looked around. "Should be in the chest." She said as she sat by Francoeur. "You're right. Pretty harmless." She said as Francoeur started messing with our comb. 

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