Mully x Josh

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This is requested by the dear iHxneyDxvil she also gave me some other ideas,and I really need to thank you sweety.

Au:Coffe shop au

Mully's pov:

I'm walking through the streets while it rains a shit ton.I wanted actually just go on a walk but no it had to start to rain.But it's fine I'm just going to go to the coffee shop that is a couple of blocks away from and get a coffee and a piece of cake maybe.

After a few minutes I get to the coffee shop and step in.As I'm walking to the counter and get ready to order I see a beatiful man,I look at his name tag and it say his name is Josh it kinda fits him.

I'm deep in my thoughts but I get ripped aut of them as the barista yells,"Next!"that starredls me a bit but it's fine."Hello,what can I get for you today?"I think a bit and say,"I have a black coffee and a piece of the cake there."and I point at the cake I want to eat."Will you take it with you or are you eating it here?"he asks and I answer with,"I want to eat it here."he smiles and tells me,"Alright please take a seat and one of my coworkes is going to bring your coffee and cake to you."I pay and say my thank you and sit down at a table where I can look at the cute barista some more,and take of my jacket and relax abit.

A few minutes later a guy with tattoos on his arm walks up to me and gives me what I orderd,and tells me to enjoy my drink and cake.

_______time skip to an hour later______

I'm still sitting here and watching the cute barista while he's working.I know it's a little creepy,but I can't help myself he's just to pretty to not look at him.But I stop at one point and text a few of my friends to see what's up.After another hour I get up and start to leave,as I'm about to go out the door the pretty barista tells me,"I hope you have a nice day sir."I'm aware that he told that everyone who left while I was there but it still made my heart flutter.

As I'm makeing my way home I decided about going to the shop more often.

_________time skip again______________

Josh's pov:

It's been a few month since Mully came here for the first and he became one of our regular costumers.And it kinda makes my day when he comes here.I just love it when he's here.He's someone who's intresting to watch and if we have conversations it's always fun he's just such a amazing human.

I see him stepping in and expect a nice conversation with him but I get disappionted when he says,"I'm sorry man but I can't stay here today,I'm just to busy."."That's fine man.So the same drink as always?"he nods his head and goes to the side if a new costumer comes so they can step up to the counter.As I'm makeing Mully's drink I get a idea and start to write down my number for him.When I finished the drink I give it to Mully and wish him a nice day like always.A new costumer comes up and I need to focus on makeing the drink so I can't see Mully's reaction when he realises I gave him my number.

Mully's pov:

As I'm outside I see something written on my cup.It took me a second to realise it's Josh's number I start to blush and look through the window at Josh but I can't make eye contact with him because he's busy makeing drinks.I continue walking back to my apartment with a big smile I need to remember to text Josh and not throw away the cup.

As I got home I emidetly took out my phone and typed in Josh's number.I messaged him who I am and I begin doing my work.

After a couple of hours of working I look at my phone again and see that Josh replyed.That makes me very happy fast and I unlocked my phone and texted him back.I wait very a few minutes till I hear my phone ding and see that he answered me again.This goes on for a while to the point that we at the end of the conversation we have a date together....

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