Juicy x Eddie

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This was requested by Yeastisgod .
I hope this chapter is good.

Juicy's pov:

I'm sitting on mine and Eddie's bed in calming silence while he's recording something.I'm just look at stuff on my phone scrolling through my social media.
This goes on for a while till the silence I was sitting in gets disturbed my a loud scream from Eddie.He must be playing phasmaphobia again,I think to myself.
Over the course of thirty minutes I hear yelling in spanish and just screaming out of fear from Eddie.Finally the yelling,screaming and cussing is over after what felt like ages,and I can hear him probably doing his outro.

I turn off my phone and lay it on the nightstand next to mine and Eddie's bed and lay on my back and close my eyes.
After a while I hear the door from the recording room open and hear footsteps coming from down the hall.And soon the bedroom door opens and closes again.I feel the bed dip at one end and I feel something on my chestand something wrap around me.I open my eyes and see that Eddie is laying on my chest with his arms wrapped around me.I let out a chuckel and wrap my arms around Eddie.

"What?"asks Eddie in a clearly excausted voice."Hm?"comes from me not understanding what's wrong."What's so funny?"Eddie asks this time the question is more clear."Oh,nothing.It's just cute how you're so cuddlely right now.".I see a slight blush grow on Eddie's face and he hides his face in my neck and I start to laugh at how shy he got.

Eddie rolls of my chest and lays on his back with his hands behind his head.I put on an 'angry' face and stare at Eddie and I also gross my arms and let out a loud sigh.Eddie ignores me though and continues to look at the ceiling.This silence goes on for to long and I roll over and lay on Eddie's chest.Now is it that he looks at me again,but the eye contact isn't for long and his gaze goes back to the ceiling.

"Stop ignoring me Eddie."I say in an upset voice.But with this I still don't get his attention.Eddie continues to stare at the ceiling.This is enough for me and I sit up so I'm now sitting on his stomach and I lean over him and stare into his pretty eyes.He just grins at me with a mischivious smile.The smile confuses me and I'm about to ask what's with that smile.But before I can ask I feel Eddie's hands on my ass and he says,"You got a nice ass."and his smile gets bigger and I get all red and take a pillow and slap him with it out of emberassement.

Eddie's pov:

I laugh very loudly and keep my arm up in defense because Gaege is still hitting me with a pillow.After a while Gaege stops hitting me and just stares at me.
While he stays like that I admire his beauty.He starts to get all red again like a few minutes again,because of the way I look at him.

Damn,I'm lucky to have him as my boyfriend I think to myself.Gaege lays back down on my chest and tries to hide his blush.I wrap arms tightly around him and pull him a little higher so he can put his head on my shoulder.While he does that I kiss his neck and whisper sweet nothing in his ear,which makes him even more red.I smile at what I've done.Gaege looks up at me again and we just spend a few minutes admiring each other.I start so rub circels on his back and after a while he closes his eyes and just enjoys the moment.

________________Time skip_______________

Eddie's pov:

It's been over since we've been just laying in bed and I need to go to the toilet so bad.But I don't want to disturb Gaege,he's probably asleep and I don't want to wake him up.With a bit of arguing with myself I'm finally going to wake up.I first sit up so my back is pressed against the headrest and I pull Gaege up with me.He slighty wakes up but tries to go back to sleep but I stop him."Can you please get off my chest I need to go to the toilet."I tell him but he ignores it and cuddles closer.I try to push him off my chest but his grip is to strong."When the fuck did you get so strong?"I ask while I try to get him off of me.Gaege just giggles and continues to keep the strong grip.

After a few minutes I get more impatient and he notices it."Okay,I let you go if I get a kiss."I'm not sure if he really lets me go but it's worth a shot.Gaege sits up and wraps his arms around my neck.We both lean in closer and we kiss.The kiss is amazing and in my opinion it didn't last long enough,but that fine because the second the kiss is over I push Gaege off my chest and rush to the toilet.After a few minutes I come back and Gaege immediately gestures to me to come cuddle him.I get on the bed on start to cuddle him,Gaege presses himself closer to my chest.I wrap my arms around him and close my eyes so I can relax again,Gaege also closes his eyes and he relaxes too.

We lay in silence for a while and I start to talk about my plans for future videos and I actually thought Gaege would respond to me.But instead of words I get some quiet snores from him and just now I realise he's asleep.I close my eyes feeling sleep tucking at them and pull Gaege a bit closer to me and after a few minutes and I fall asleep too.

Please give me some more requests because I want to write more for this book but I don't got any ideas what to write.
Anyways I hope you have a good

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