New Manager - Jonah

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You both leave the hospital and head home.

Jonah's phone rings and it's Zach.

Z: Hey Bro! Whats happening?
Jo: We are on our way back. Y/N could go into labour earlier than the expectancy date.
Z: Really?! Cool! By the way you are both daughter less tonight
Jo: Why?
Z: Layla wanted a sleep over with Uncle Zach, Uncle Jack and Lav. So she got it. There is still some clean clothes in her bag from when she was with Grayson. We are at McDonald's now. She wants to speak to you.
L: Hewwo daddy! Hewwo Mommy!
Jo: Hey Princess. Did you have fun with Uncle Gray?
Y/N: Hey baby
L: Yes. I saw daddy too.
Y/N: Did you spend time with him?
L: Em, wittle, he busy!
Jo: Oh! What did you do with Uncle Gray
L: We play in Park! Then ice cweam on the beach
Y/N: Oh wow! What ice cream did you get?
L: Blue!
Y/N: Was it nice?
L: Yes! Had cookie and eyes!
Y/N: Oh like the cookie monster!
L: Mhmmm. You otay now mommy?
Y/N: Yes baby, the baby is okay. I have to rest all weekend
L: Yessss! Movies in Fort!
Y/N: Yes! Enjoy your sleep over baby and ill see you tomorrow.
L: See you morrow mommy n daddy
Jo: See you tomorrow princess. Love you
Y/N: Love you baby
L: Luv wuu too! Byeeee
Jo&Y/N: Byeeee!
Z: Byeeee!

The line goes dead. You have arrived at the house and get out the car.

Jonah rushes to your side and picks you up. You let out a giggle.

Jo: Ill run you a bath
Y/N: We can have one afterwards
Jo: After what?!
Y/N: Heyyy! We have a child free night and may be the last before our little baby appears.
Jo: True but you are supposed to rest
Y/N: Oh well then you can do all the work whilst I rest and enjoy it!
Jo: Hmmmm
Y/N: First I want to talk to you
Jo: Oh no!
Y/N: I've looked into this and found a way to keep my name I have now under the record label and on social media
Jo: Right?
Y/N: I want to Legally change my first name and last name. Also I want to move to a different part of town.
Jo: How will this all work?
Y/N: We get a house together, decorate it the way we want to. All new furniture etc so that way no one sees us moving out.
Jo: What about clothes etc?
Y/N: We put them in suitcases and into the car during the night when its dark. Put the cars into the garage sort of thing.
Jo: Okay, let's do it. What about your mom and sister?
Y/N: They will know me as Y/N still. I may tell them but I want to find a way of seeing how they would react and what they would do
Jo: Why dont we set up a plan?
Y/N: Like what?
Jo: We get the boys involved and say we get one of them to say infront of your mom and sister that they read somewhere about a man who owned his own business, and how he changed his name etc because of his ex wife constantly tracking him down demanding money etc when they had no reason to contact each other
Y/N: So like they shared no kids, house or business?
Jo: Yeah, the divorce was settled and she got what she wanted but she still tracked him down at his new addresses
Y/N: Good idea.
Jo: Hopefully your mom and sister say about you doing the same.
Y/N: How do we find out if they would tell Randy or not?
Jo: Ill get the guys to ask questions about the bloke. I.e. How did he do it? How did the business etc remain in his real name? How did the ex wife not find out? Will the article not make him easier to find now?
Y/N: Ohh yeah. Good idea. Maybe we could also agree on not listening to Randy and we talk things out normally rather than one of us getting huffy.
Jo: Deal. I shouldn't have said what I did. I really do feel bad. I'm so sorry. Please if you get diagnosed with anything tell me right away so I can be more supportive
Y/N: I will, I promise
Jo: Now strip for daddy and lay on the bed

You do as Jonah asks and lay on the bed.

He removes his clothes and come over to you.

Jo: Damn! You're perfect! How many kids do you want?
Y/N: Ive not really thought about it. What about you?
Jo: 4 to 6
Y/N: Ohhh. Why?
Jo: I will keep getting you pregnant if you look like this every time
Y/N: Give my body to heal in between, please
Jo: I will baby.

Jonah kisses you, kisses your face,  down your neck and sucking on your sweet spot. You moan out.

He kisses down your breasts and gives them both alot of attention.

He kisses down to your heat. He starts to suck on your clit and then licks it.

He keeps going until you grind on his tongue. He enters his finger inside you then another and another.

Y/N: Ugghhh! Daddy! Im gonna

You scream out in pleasure and squirt over his tongue.

Jo: That was hot baby. Ready?
Y/N: Yes daddy
Jo: Good girl

Jonah slams into you, making you scream his name.

Jo: Wow! You where loud
Y/N: Its been a while daddy

He keeps moving in and out quickly.

You use your strength and push him down. You start moving back n forth quickly. Then bounce up and down. Jonah let's moans escape his lips. He grabs your breasts and you wince in pain.

Jo: Baby? Whats wroooong?
Y/N: They are a little tenderrrrrrr
Jo: Shit! Fuck! Ohh gooodddddd

You realise over him and he releases inside you.

Jo: Baby, I'm sorry. I didnt realise
Y/N: Its okay. They become a bit tender and sore when pregnant. One of the side effects. Well one of the oh god! Baby brain fog.
Jo: Its okay baby, i understand what you mean. Are you okay?
Y/N: Yeah, im okay baby.

You start to move back and forth on him.

Jo: Can I do the same thing? Or not?
Y/N: Yeah, just watch my boobs *giggles*

He grabs your hips and starts thrusting up whilst you grind down. 

Once you've both finished you have a bath and get into your nightclothes

Jo: Are you hungry baby?
Y/N: A little
Jo: Shall we get some delivered?
Y/N: Yeah, McDonald's would be nice.
Jo: Are you sure?
Y/N: Yeah, I know I can eat stuff from there, that doesn't have stuff you have to avoid
Jo: Oh! There is stuff you need to avoid?
Y/N: Yeah Raw or Undercooked meats, raw fish and some fish products. Certain cheeses.
Jo: Ohh. I'll need to Google it so I don't bring anything home
Y/N: Thank you baby
Jo: Let's order food and look at some houses
Y/N: Okay let's do that. Sorry if I fall asleep
Jo: Its okay baby, if you fall asleep I'll wake you up when the food is here
Y/N: Thank you babe, I love you
Jo: I love you more

Jonah gets the ipad out and orders food. You snuggle into his chest whilst looking at houses.

The food arrives and you both eat it before heading to sleep.

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