New Manager - Jonah

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You snuggle into Jonah's chest and start to drift off to sleep. Jonah starts to talk out loud and you can hear what he is saying

Jo: I cant wait for my baby to be back to normal, I miss you so much baby. I know your here with me in my arms but I miss being able to talk to you, go out on dates etc. I know your always tired because of the pregnancy and your anemia, I wish I could take it all away. I miss you baby.
Y/N: Im sorry I'm no fun now Jonah. I'll try my best to stay awake.
Jo: Oh baby, I thought you had fallen asleep
Y/N: I was just going into a sleep when you started talking and I felt bad.
Jo: Its okay baby I do understand now. You can go to sleep again if you like
Y/N: Its okay, I feel bad.
Jo: Dont feel bad. Just rest up. Layla will be home shortly
Y/N: I know. I think Grayson is going to tell us, that Layla isn't allowed to their house anymore
Jo: Really? Why?
Y/N: Probably cause Ethan's girlfriend doesn't want Layla there
Jo: If he wants to talk, I'll take Layla to McDonald's and break the bad news to her
Y/N: Are you sure? It's my responsibility to tell her.
Jo: Its our responsibility. She sees me as her daddy, we are in this together.
Y/N: Thank you baby. We all appreciate you and everything you do for us
Jo: I appreciate you so much more. You sacrificed alot and have been fighting battles during the pregnancy. You are amazing baby
Y/N: Thank you baby. So are you.

The door bell rings and Jonah heads downstairs to answer it.

L: Hewwo daddy!
Jo: Hey Princess
G: Is Y/N here?
Jo: She is resting upstairs. Is it urgent?
G: Yeah, I need to talk to her
Jo: I'll go get.....
Y/N: I'm here baby
L: Mommy!!

You bend down and pick Layla up. She snuggles into you whilst you go through to the livingroom with Grayson.

Jo: Princess, come with daddy

Jonah takes Layla and goes into the kitchen

Jo: Want to go for Food?
L: Yes Peese daddy 

They both walk passed the livingroom door.

Jo: We are heading out
L: Bye Untle Gray. See you wayter
G: Bye Princess. See you later

Jonah and Layla head to McDonald's.

*At The House*

G: Y/N, I'm really sorry to have to do this
Y/N: I know, so she isn't allowed to your house?
G: Nope, Ethans girlfriend doesn't want her visiting the same time she does. I don't know why he is doing this.
Y/N: What are you wanting to do?
G: I still want to see Layla
Y/N: What about every Friday you pick her up at the same time, take her to the park and have a picnic there or go swimming then lunch after it.
G: Yeah, I can pick her up at the same time as usual. That works perfectly.
Y/N: Great, ill tell her when she comes back
G: I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm disappointed in him.
Y/N: Im the Same, Grayson. What can you do though
G: True. Thank you anyways and I'll see you next week.

Grayson gets up and leaves the house.

*In the Car*

Jo: Princess
L: Yes daddy
Jo: I need to tell you something
L: What is it?
Jo: You won't be going to Uncle Gray's house anymore
L: I knows daddy
Jo: How do you know?
L: I hear daddy and Untle shout
Jo: Oh! I'm sure Mommy has managed to sort something out
L: Yes. Mommy is best! She help and makes otay
Jo: I'm sure she will baby. What do you want to eat?
L: Burg no cheese, fry and nana milk peese
Jo: Burger, no cheese, fries and banana milkshake?
L: Yes Peese if otay?
Jo: Ofcourse it is
L: Fanks daddy, luvs you
Jo: I love you too princess
L: No forgets Mommy!
Jo: I'll get her, her favourite meal
L: Otay daddy. You best daddy ever! You makes Lay vewy happy and luvsed.
Jo: Awwww baby girl! Dont! You're gonna make daddy cry
L: Sowwie
Jo: In a good way Princess. I love you more than you know. You make me happy and smiley
L: Fanks daddy.

Jonah orders the food and drives back home.

Once he pulls into the driveway, he sees you appear at the front door. You go over to Layla's side and unclip her. You lift her out and she snuggles into you.

Jo: What did Grayson say?
Y/N: He will still see Layla on Friday's but it will be to the park for a picnic or swimming then lunch. Something along those lines.
Jo: Layla heard them arguing about it
Y/N: Are you okay baby?
L: Yes mommy, daddy said and he made me smiley
Y/N: Awww good. You'll still see Uncle Gray on Friday's. He will take you out for the afternoon
L: Yay!!

*Skip to Monday Evening*

Jo: Im so glad the meeting with Alison went well. We can start getting our house built.
Y/N: It will be good. Are you excited baby?
L: Yes mommy, we has pool!
Jo: Daddy will get you a nice swing and climbing frame built.
L: Oh! Weally?
Jo: Yup! You can teach the baby how to do things! You can go on the slide together.
L: Yay! When baby here?
Y/N: Im not sure baby. Who will look after Layla?
Jo: My mom n dad are coming over just after the birth. I could ask them to come earlier?
Y/N: Or we could ask one of her Uncles?
L: Zach!
Jo: Daddy, will ask Uncle Zach
L: Me talks?!
Jo: Sure baby

Jonah gets out his phone and Dials Zach's number.

*Phone Call*

Z: Hey Bro
L: Untle!
L: You wook after me?
Z: When?!
L: When mommy gets baby
Z: Ohhhh! Sleep over!!
L: Yay!!
Jo: Wow! 2 kids on a call
Z: Rude!
L: Meanie!
Z: You tell him Layla!
Y/N: Will it be okay for you to look after Layla?
Z: Ofcourse! I cant wait! As soon as you get a pain or pee yourself phone me!
L: Why not use potty?
Y/N: The baby will kick mommy and sometimes it can make accidents happen
L: Ohh wear pull up!
Z:*Laughing* Borrow one of Layla's
L: *Laughs* I not wear them
Z: Oh! Since when?!
Y/N: She has been wearing pants for 2 weeks now. Only 1 accident and that was daddy's fault 
Z: Em?
Jo: I thought she was joking! She had just been
Z: Oh dear!
Jo: Mind you that was a poop. Oh! I've just realised *face palms himself*
Y/N: Please don't say you just realised now how the accident happened?
Jo: Yes!
Y/N: She just wears a pull up to bed for now. Slowly getting there
Z: Yay! Way to go Layla!!
L: Fanks!
Z: How did the meeting go?
Jo: Very well, we got it. The work starts in 4 weeks time.
L: I gets pool and swing!
Z: Yes! Im coming over for a party! Let's hire a bouncy castle. Oh wait! I'll Google the prices.
L: Yes! Best Untle ever!
D: How rude!
C: Well!
L: Oopsie sowwie. You best Untle's too. Where Untle Jack?
D: Oh
C: Em
Z: Well you see. Lavender and her Mommy moved to Hawaii. So he has gone to see Lav
L: W-what?! No Lav?
C: Princess, Lav will be over to visit and we can all go visit her soon. After the baby is here.
L: Otay!
Z: Maybe daddy can text Jack to see if you can facetime Lav?
L: Yes!
Jo: We will ask tonight and phone tomorrow when you have both had sleep
L: Otay daddy! Bath peese?
Y/N: Ofcourse baby, say goodnight to your Uncles
L: Night Untles! Luv wuu all!
Z: Night Layla! Love you
C&D: Night! Love you
Jo&Y/N: Bye guys
All: Bye

*Call ends*

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