Season 1 Episode 2

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I don't know what time it is but I'm wide awake. I climb out of bed and take Mary with me. We are both hungry so I carefully walk downstairs like auntie Polly told me to - ' hold on the railing till you are at the bottom and never run. Take one step at a time and you will be safe'. We do just that and when we reach the bottom I walk into the kitchen to get some food.
As we walk in I see Tommy there. He is sometimes up when I am. I hope he can make me breakfast. He notices me come in and puts down his book that he was reading.
"Good morning Sammy." He says as he opens his arms. I know what that means. He wants one of my magic hugs. If he wants one he can have one. I charge towards him and jump into his arms. He catches me and we hug each other as tight as possible. I am giggling the whole time while Mary is getting a bit squished. "Thank you for that Lady Sammy. Now do you want some breakfast?" He ask me. I nod my head really fast as me and Mary are really hungry. "Well, to get breakfast this morning you have to go and wake up Arthur and Finn for me ok?" As soon as he says it I jump of his lap and begin to head upstairs. I stop by the door and put Mary on the table. Last time I woke Finn up, he through her out his window. I thought she died but uncle Charlie caught her.
I walk upstairs before running into Arthur's room which was the closest. I charge in and towards his bed.
"Arthur! Arthur! Arthur! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up or Tommy won't make me breakfast" I say hitting him with my tiny hands. He wakes up and catches my hand. He pulls me up onto his bed tickling me.
"You think you can just hit me and think you will get away with it missy??" He semi-yells while tickling me. I am laughing really hard. I need to escape though otherwise I won't be fed.
"Arthur!! I gotta wake up Finn or Tommy won't make breakfast!" I tell at him trying to escape the tickles.
"Oh no. We cannot have you starving can we? You might eat all of us!" He says as he helps me of the bed.
I run out to Finn's room and see he is ready awake, just sitting on his bed. I run up to him and hug him. He hugs back and we stay like that for a little while. After a minute, he pulls back and looks at me. That's when I remember my mission from Tommy.
"Come one Finn. You and Arthur have to wake up otherwise I won't get breakfast." I say dragging him of the bed. It is a very hard job cause as I'm tiny and Finn is huge. When I manage to drag him of the bed I let go of his hand. I run to the stairs but walk down them like auntie polly said. Once I'm at the bottom I sprint to the kitchen to see Tommy leaning against the side. I run into his legs and attach myself to one of them.
"I did it! I did it! They are up!" I yell up at him excitedly. He laughs at my silliness and bends to pick me up. He puts me on his hip and I wrap my arms round his neck.
"Ok. Ok I'll make you breakfast. Do you wanna help me?" He asks. I always want to help and so I climb down of off him. We start to make breakfast which is a very messy process for me. I only get one bread and jam done whilst Tommy gets a few more done.

                                     ----------TIME SKIP CAUSE I AM LAZY--------

It was a few hours later and we are going to the fair. I've never been before and I am so excited. I am sat on John's lap as i got tired and he let me sleep on him. He is actually quite comfy to sleep on.
We drive up to these big wooden things. I don't know what they are called. Is this the fair?
"I thought you said we were going to the fair." Arthur says to Tommy. Guess this isn't the fair.
"We have business first. Come on bring your wits." Tommy says getting out. Tommy, John and Arthur all get out and walk towards this guy that is walking towards them. I don't listen to what they are saying as it it most likely boring adult stuff. I play with Mary on the seat John was sat in.
A few minutes later, a stranger walked up to the car looking in it. I'm shy around new people so I cuddle closer to Finn. The guy leaves but comes back a few minutes later. Finn pulls me out the car and we just stand around. The guy drives off. Huh. Wonder why he has the car. Me and Finn stand by one of the big wooden things.
I watch Tommy and Arthur talk (or argue I can't tell from here). I see some of the people by the water laugh at something. Tommy must be mad cause he walks towards them with Arthur and John following him.
Suddenly, Tommy swings his cap at the man and cuts his face. All of the men down there start fighting and screaming. I get really scared for my brothers and I start to cry. Finn notices and hugs me so I can't see them. I can here the screaming though and that makes me cry more. After a few minutes, I felt someone picking me up and turning me into their chest. From their smell, I can tell that it is John. He rocks back and fourth which calms me down a little bit. He bends down to pick up Mary and I immediately grab onto her. She is a little scared but not as scared as I am.
"Its alright princess. It's done now. I'm sorry you had to see that." He says. I start to stop crying and I look up to see us heading towards the car. "Hey remember. We are going to the fair. You excited yeah?" He asks me. Me and Mary nod our heads as John laughs. We get in the car with the others and go to the fair.

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