Chapter 2 - Framed!

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I was determined to conduct my own investigation. What the hell had happened to me on that dreaded day. I recall my wife cautioning me not to. She explained as she rambled on and on about how we had everything we could ever want or need. Talk about being persistent or bull-headed as she kindly put it, no one would stop me. I thought quietly to myself.

My investigation would start at the county jail. There I would finally meet the man who fired the shots that changed my life forever. Most people would tell you, for the better, then again they didn't have to live with a hole in their head. I could remember sweating profusely as a man I had never seen before emerged from behind a heavily guarded gate and sat down in front of me. Only six-inch bulletproof plexiglass divided us from one another. He wore a grey and black striped jumpsuit and stood over well over six feet tall.

"Mr. Jones, I'm a reporter for the local newspaper, do you remember the events of February 2020?" I asked. I pretended to be a newspaper reporter so to keep my identity concealed. But to no avail, as a raspy deep voice said "I was framed!" Framed huh? That's bullshit! I said. "An innocent man paid the price for your bad aim," I screamed through the glass. He got up as I felt like an insect that would surely be squashed by the hands of a gorilla. Nearby the guards could hear the commotion as they asked me to leave. The bastard had been taken away as well.

There was nothing else to do. I had let my emotions get the better of me. Still, I needed a new plan or I would surely not get any answers to my questions. But what? I blew it! As I hit myself on the head over and over again. Then it hit me, finally, "I got it." I whispered to myself. The perfect plan but I would need help. I thought. It was time to find help in the shape of a woman.

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