Lirry- The Pregnancy

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"Oh shit." I heard Harry sat from the bathroom. "What's wrong baby?" I called

from outside the door. "Nothing Liam." "Don't lie to me." the door opened up.

Harry's eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying. "What's wrong Harry?

Tell me." he leaned onto my shoulder. He just started crying. "My life is over

Li!" he sobbed. "What happened?!" I was worried. What had he taken in the

bathroom? "Harry. Tell me what's wrong." I was stern. "I-I-I'm pregnant."

"What?" I asked looking at him. His eyes showed fear, and sadness. "You got me

pregnant." I hugged Harry tighter. "It's okay Haz well get through this." "Wait

we?" he looked confused. "Yes we. This was a two person job and I will stay with

you through it all." I said reassuringly. "This is why your perfect." "YOU are

too perfect." he smiled. My hands trailed down to his stomach. "Were gonna have

a baby. We're gonna have a baby!" I said kissing Him. "I love you. Thank you for

being so understanding." he rested his forehead against mine. "I love you more.

And no, thank you for being so strong and I am sorry for doing this to you

babe." he smiled. 

Third person POV

Liam and Harry were happy. They were becoming a family. Liam had stayed through

to his promise. He stayed with Harry dealing with the mood swings and the

bitchiness. Liam just smiled and kissed Harry. Whispering "I love you"'s into

his war whenever things got hard. They were to have a girl. Months passed and

harry was about 8 1/2 months along When one night Liam changed everything.


Liam wanted to take me somewhere special tonight, but honestly were could he

take a 8 1/2 month pregnant person on a date? I threw on my Ramones shirt and

sweatpants (those were all I could fit in) and walked down the stairs. Liam was

in a Tuxedo and held his arm out and I linked mine with his. "Oh Li! You look

absolutely stunning!" I said petting his chest. "May I say the same to you

love?" I giggled. He made me feel like a 15 year old girl with a major crush.

"Follow me." he lead me to our dinning room were I saw our 3 best mates- Niall,

Louis, and Zayn- dressed as waiters and a table set up as a restaurant would

have it. "Liam! Did you do all of this?" I asked kissing his cheek. "I would do

anything for my baby." he smiled. "Sit down babe." he pulled out my chair and I

sat down as comfortably I could be with a huge baby bump. "So have you thought

of any names yet Haz?" Liam asked Resting his chin on his hands which were

propped up on the table. "Well honestly-no." he laughed. God his laugh was so

hot. "have you?" he blushed. "In fact I have Mr. Styles. Quite a few in fact!"

he smirked. "Girls-"







He named a bunch more that we're almost as bad as the first few. But when he

said "Caitlin" my heart stopped. That was our baby's name. "YES!" he looked

surprised. "I live that name." I agreed. "Caitlin Styane. I like it." "Speaking

of…" he trailed off. "Harry can I ask you something?" "You can ask me anything

LiLi." that's when my life made a complete change.

Third person POV

Liam got down on one knee next to Harry's chair. He pulled out the velvet

colored box he had been holding for about a week now. Harry's eyes widened when

he realized the situation.

"Harry. I have always sort I know you were My soulmate. And when you told me

that you were pregnant I knew for sure I would be with you forever. Not because

of the baby but the baby was just one more reason to be with you forever. Your

eyes our curls the way your voice sounds  in the morning after you've just woken

up the smile you have when you see tacos the way you always cheer me up even

when your not always feeling completely chipper are more reasons why I want to

be with you forever. But my main reason is-" he took a deep breath. "That you

have never given up on me. And I want to thank you for that." at this point

Harry was crying. So was Liam. "Harry Styles. Will you do me the honor of

becoming my husband?"

Liam said opening the velvet box and tracking a small silver ring. On it an

inscription read 'Forever Mine' in golden letters. "Oh Liam! Of course I will!"

Harry threw his arms around his fiancée. Liam slipped the ring on and hugged

Harry back. "I love you." "I love you more." then they shared the most

passionate kiss.

*2 weeks later*


I felt water. The baby was coming. I leaned over to Liam sleeping and shook him

awake. "The baby's coming Li." his eyes widened as he whipped the sheet off. I

slowly got out of bed as he rushed around te room; calling people the hospital

grabbing our emergency bag and his car keys. Once in the car he sped off to the

hospital and we were greeted by a nurse and a wheelchair . I sat in and she

handed me off to Liam. Niall Zayn and Louis were already there. "THE BABY's

coming!" cried Liam pushing me behind the nurse. This was going to be a long



Oh. My. God. The baby's coming. The baby's coming. I have a baby coming. We have

a baby coming.

Third person POV

There was a lot of screaming done that day along with crying. Sweating was also

a big factor on this day. Mostly screaming from Harry and crying from Liam.

Sweating coming from both boys. After 19 grueling hours of contractions Caitlin

Styane was born on April 23 at 5:32pm in London, England. The Styanes got

married 6 months after that on September 23. They bought a house in te country

side of London and lived happily ever after

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