Episode 5.3

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perfect              //             ed sheeran independent love song   //   scarlet zombie           //       the cranberries kiss me // 6 pence none the richer━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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perfect              //             ed sheeran
independent love song  //   scarlet
zombie           //      the cranberries
kiss me // 6 pence none the richer

CECILIA HAD SPENT WEEKS working on her Sarah Jane Smith costume. Though choosing which one of the Doctors companions outfits to wear was a much harder task than actually sewing the dress together. In the end she chose Sarah Jane's brown and orange dress which she had paired with a pure white smock shirt and a pair of old brown leather boots.

She decided to keep her makeup light, with eye shadow that blended in with her skin, winged eyeliner, mascara (because she wasn't an animal), light pink lipstick and a slight bit of rouge on her cheeks to top it all off. There wasn't much Cecilia could do with her hair- only because her mother promised to disown her if she did so much as even think about chopping her hair off again.

A slight tap on her bedroom door forced Cecilia to look away from her vanity mirror as she bottled up her mascara tube. "It's open!" She sang and the door slowly freaked open before her father stepped in.

"You look beautiful, sweetie." Her father smiled as he leaned against the doorframe.

Cecilia turned around on her stool, her cheeks tinging red- or maybe that was just the rouge. "Thank you, daddy." She said, her toothy grin mirroring her fathers.

"James' here." He told her. "He's looking very dapper- apart from the scarf of course, that looks like something your grandma Ellen would knit." Cecilia laughed. "Are you sure you don't want we to drive you two to the convention?"

"It's not that far," Cecilia said as she zipped up her boots. "We can take the bus."

The red head pushed herself up with the help of her little vanity before walking over to her father and locking her arm with his so that he could escort her out to the living room where James was waiting for Cecilia along with her mother.

"Wow." James said as he stood from his seat on the sofa when the father-daughter pair walked into the room and Cecilia noticed that the boy looked just as handsome as her father said, scarf and all. "You look very- um, you look gorgeous."

"Thank you, James, you don't look half bad yourself." She smiled even wider, letting go of her fathers arm and moving closer when she noticed the guilt on his face. "But?"

"We need to go to Erins house." He said quickly. "It's important, I'll explain on the way."

Cecilia sighed. "Fine." She said, trusting James enough to believe that it was indeed important. "Can't believe I'm offering this to you, but do you want to go there on my bicycle? It'd be quicker."

oh, cecilia Where stories live. Discover now