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English: Normal

Japanese: Italics

Thoughts: 'Normal' 'Italics'

Sign Language: Underline

*°.*° ~ °*.°**°.*° ~ °*.°*

Waking up to a soft breeze passing by your still body you shiver slightly as you stir from your unconscious state. Eyes fluttering open your met with your ceiling-wait those are leaves. That's when you notice the feeling of plush grass around you, cocking your head to the side you see long green grass and dark wood tree's all around you. 'Ight 1.Why am I in a Mcflippin forest and 2.Why is everything so...perfect looking?' Shrugging off the second thought you focused on your first observation. Why were you in a forest? Sitting up you look down to see a pair or 2D legs. Wait...2D?! Your eyes go wide as you scan around the rest of your body. It's still you, wearing the same clothes, but in cartoon form....no, no, no not cartoon. Anime! "What in pickle rick is happening?!" you say to no one in particular, moving your now small and graceful looking Anime hands up to your face you squish your cheeks. 'This is all a dream, this is all a dream' you tell yourself trying to calm your mini heart attack. Just as you take in a finial breath, relaxing all your muscles and trying to think strait you hear. "HEY COME ON WHY ARE YOU MAKING THAT OGRE FACE AT ME!" "I'LL GO OKAY!" you heard a whiny male voice shout from just up head. 'Wait...I-I know that voice' your eyes widen from the realization, yet you can't seem to place where have you heard it before? "I have no intention of forcing you" another calm yet obviously pissed sounding voice said. That's when you noticed that they weren't speaking English and even if you had no clue what they were saying you knew it was Japanese.

With this little information you quickly got up, stumbling slightly, and quickly dashed threw the tree's following the bickering voices. An odd thing that you noted was how agile you had become all of the sudden, your footsteps were complete unheard and you whipped around the tree's like it was nothing!


Reaching the commotion you find a small clearing with a large traditional Japanese style mansion in the middle. 'Wait where have I seen this place? It's like déjà vu...' looking over you see a group of people, two of them are children with black hair and brown-amber colored eyes standing back in the clearing, hugging each other in fear. What happened to them? You were about to go out and see what was the matter when you saw the other two people. Boys, one with burgundy colored locks and deep mahogany eyes, he had a noticeable scar on his forehead and a box on his back. 'Are those...' you gasped silently when you saw his hanafuda earrings. 'Is that...no it couldn't be...' 'Maybe a cosplayer?!' you looked at him mouth slightly agape and eyes still wide as saucers. The boy that was clinging to him was also uncannily similar looking to Zenit-. Everything began to piece together in your head. 'Even if this is some crazy ass dream...i'm currently in Demon Slayer...'

"...I'm in Demon Slayer..." [Y/N] whispers quietly to herself, letting her reality sink in. A few different emotions swept over her all at once. Fear, curiosity, excitement, but most of all doubt. Doubt that she could survive in this world full of demons. Most of these people if not all have a means to protect themselves from demons in a way. Wither that be experience, protection using incantation seals and wisteria flowers, or being good with a blade. But [Y/N] had none of those, hell she couldn't even speak their language fluently enough to hold conversation (a moment of silence for that dumb ass bitch past you who only read with subtitles and never bothered to pick up any words ("=~=)) so how could she live here?

'No, no panicking that'll get me nowhere' you think while pinching your cheeks. 'Get it together [Y/N] for now it's best if I just stick to the present' you thought with a nervous yet slightly determined expression. Looking back over to the mansion you saw Tanjiro shaking Zenitsu probably telling him to put on his big boy pants and stop bawling like a child. Right this is episode 11 of the anime, "Tsuzumi Mansion" was the name I think. 'This is when they first meet Inosuke in the Mansion' you glanced over at the body of the male whom had just passed away, covered in his own blood. You grimaced at the sight. 'Rest in peace' you thought looking away before you hurled feeling your stomach turn. You watched as the two walked in, then looked back at the frightened children. 'Ah shoot they run after them don't they?' just as you remembered you watched the little girl begin to run over to the door because she got spooked by Nezuko.

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