Chapter 1

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"Elizabeth Cooper?" When Betty heard her name, she looked up, smiling softly when she saw her boss.

"Good morning, Mr. Clayton." She said, smiling softly as she stood up.

"Betty, please, just Chuck. Tea right? Weak, black." He asked, smiling softly.

"I'm supposed to get this for you but thank you, Chuck!" She smiled softly.

A few weeks had passed since she and Jughead broke up. She was a mess at first but then collected herself and fixed herself up.

However, she still wasn't in the best mindset and still was pretty broken. She head a ding from her computer and saw an e-mail, clicking it.

Betty smiled softly, seeing it was from Veronica and Archie. "Hi! This is amazing. It's all coral and turtles and booze and.." Her friend said, laughing.

"You should be here. Why aren't you here?" Veronica said with a whine.

"And tell that douchebag brother of mine to take a day off for once. Alright, Bye Betty." Archie said, the first part making Betty look down.

So much for trying to forget him. "Bye..!" Her friend said with a laugh.

Betty sighed softly and stood up, closing her computer. She had on a red velvet dress, putting on a coat.

She then saw Chuck at the entrance of his office with a paper. "This for me?"

"Nah, they can wait. You look nice. Going out tonight?" He asked, curiously.

"A friend of mine has a photography
exhibition opening tonight. So, can I go?" She asked with a soft smile.

Chuck smiled softly and nodded before speaking. "How did you make out with those

"Oh, really great actually." She said, grabbing the manuscripts. "...This one, um..Boyce Fox. I coudn't put it down."

"It's so sharp and relevant and I think it's really got something." Betty smiled softly and nodded.

"You think?" He asked, taking the manuscripts out of her hands.

"Yeah." She smiled and nodded.

"Alright, I'll check it out."


"Have fun tonight Betty...thank you. Thanks for today."

Betty nodded before turning and walking away. "Goodnight Toni." She waved to one of her coworkers.

"Bye." She smiled and waved goodbye.

What Betty didn't notice was that Chuck continued to stare at her as she walked away. One person did notice though, and that was Toni.

Toni paused her typing to look up at Chuck. Chuck, realizing he was caught, turned away and moved back to his office.

Toni stared past him, worriedly. She soon turned back to her computer, sighing.


Betty soon got to the art exhibit, looking around before finding Reggie's exhibit. Her eyes widened as she looked around, seeing live sized pictures of herself.

"Oh my God. Jesus Christ." She muttered, looking around.

"Betty! You made it." Reggie said, walking k er to her with a smile.

"Reggie. It's like, so much of my face in here." She said, hugging him.

"If I had asked, you'd been like 'I'm too shy.'" He chuckled, breaking the hug.

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