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"I'm sorry. Let me just get this straight. So you're blaming ME for all this?!" I exclaimed at Justice.

Apparantly he didn't know his Roommate was a girl just like I didn't know that my roommate was a guy, not to mention a totall asshole.

Both of us have unisexual names, ugh.

He simply shrugs as if he doesn't care about anything in the world.

"Oh you're impossible!" I say rolling my eyes for the hundredth time. I can't believe him. Seems like god wasted such good looks on this piece of trash.

"I'm gonna visit the admission office tomorrow." I mutter to myself as I roll on to my bed. I closed my eyes not bothering to see what he's doing. There's no way in hell I'm staying another day here.

Within seconds I was asleep again, not aware of a thing happening around me.


Next morning when I woke up, Justice-the-douchebag was gone. Well, good for me. It looked like he had already used the shower. Ok..

I took a bath listening to "wiggle wiggle" and shaking my butt on the beat. Don't judge me but dancing to it in shower is mood.

I dressed in a red hoodie and black running pants. I wore my Nike Airs and tied my hair into a high ponytail using a scrunchie. I put on some winged eye liner and grabbed my stuff. I like to go with the sporty look once in a while.

The first thing I did was to make sure I could change my room ASAP.

I went to the counselor and sat on the desk. He was a middle aged man with graying hair.

"Hi. I'm Jonn. How may I help you?" He said politely. His smile was really good and he radiated a sort of positivity.

"Um... Hi. Actually I'm a freshman. I just moved in at 'on campus residence' yesterday and I was unaware that my roommate was a guy. I'd like to change rooms please." I told him.

"Ok I'll see if it's possible ma'am. But let me first check your housing form. Can I get your name?" He said in the most polite way. His easy smile was contagious for some reason.

"Sure. It's Taylor Steel."

He typed in something on his computer and said, "Ok. Miss. Taylor Steel, graduated from Lakeview High School, English Major student, applied to West Res housing?" He said reading my form.


His eyes scanned the form for a couple of seconds as he scrolled through it.

"I'm sorry ma'am but the roommate assigned to you meets your requirements. You filled in that you wanted a single roommate in West Res, anyone who is a non smoker. You didn't tick any other problems you'd have. You were apparantly fine with everything else." He said

"Yes, but I didn't know West Res was unisexual room sharing house!" I exclaimed.

"Ok. But if it had been a mistake on our hand, it'd be easier to follow up. Also, it's new semester season so a lot of students would be coming so it'll be hard. Let me check what I can do." He told me.

At this point, I was freaking out. What if I couldn't find a room? What if I had to stay with that asshole for the whole year? Oh my God!

"Hm. So..." said John as he searched on his computer, " None of the rooms with a female roommate are empty at West Res at the moment. However there are rooms in the other residence, 'Derek Park'. Are you willing to reside there?"

Derek park. Also known for the residence of the rich brats. It has huge rooms with personal 5 star type bathrooms. It's a dream residence. However, it's too expensive for me. I know if I talk to mom, she'd agree for me to stay there but I don't wanna burden her.

I knew she worked really hard and this college was very expensive. It was a good thing I got the scholarship. I had made up my mind to get a job so that I can pay for housing myself. And no job can give me enough to pay for 'Derek Park'.

"Um. I can't really stay at Derek Park. Is there no other place in West Res?" I asked.

"None with a female roommate. No. Not until next Semester. However if you want me, I'll book you and make sure you get a room first thing in the next semester. That's the most I can do." He said.

I tell him to do so. I thank him and make my way to the door. 6 months. 6 months with a grade-A asshole. Not a big problem...

I opened the door and walked outside. However I immediately collided with something, someone, and hit my butt on the floor. Hard.

"Aao!" I exclaimed. Whoever it was didn't offer me a hand. Not that I wanted one anyway. Huh!

"Watch where you're going." I heard a familiar voice. I look up to find none other than Justice-the-douchebag.

I roll my eyes at him. Yeah, like I was the one running furiously to the admissions office.

"Asshole." I mutter.

"What did you just call me?" He said, his hands turning into fists.

Oh so what now he's gonna hit me?

But he didn't do anything. He just stood there, angrily staring at me, trying to intimidate me.

I stared back. I wasn't gonna loose to this jerk.

Suddenly, his expression changed and his gaze moved downwards towards my lips.

Subconsciously, I licked them causing him to do the same.

He looked me back in the eye, his grayish eyes turning dark. He takes a step forward bringing his face close to mine. For a moment I thought he was gonna kiss me. But then suddenly his expression changed and he whispered in my ear causing goosebumps all over my body, "you don't wanna mess with me Taylor."

And with that he was gone leaving me stiff as a statue.

What the heck just happened?



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