The Masquerade

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They slipped into the ballroom just as Lord Capulet began to speak.

"Welcome, gentlemen!" He greeted. "Ladies that have their toes - Ah, my mistresses! Which of you all, unplagued with corns will walk a bout with you. Will now deny to dance? She that makes dainty, She, I’ll swear, hath corns. Am I come near ye now?-" he turned to more guests. "Welcome, gentlemen! I have seen the day that I have worn a visor and could tell a whispering tale in a fair lady’s ear such as would please. 'Tis gone, ’tis gone, ’tis gone.- You are welcome, gentlemen.- Come, musicians, play." The musicians started up and the guests began to dance. Benvolio turned to notice Romeo had already disappeared.

"He belike looking f'r his mistress, Rosaline." Mercutio assured him. Benvolio nodded.

"Shall thee not dance, good Mercutio?" He inquired.

"Aye, I dance." Mercutio responded, "But first alloweth us drink." Benvolio watched as Mercutio disappeared in the crowd. He looked around the ballroom, admiring the extravagant architecture. He spotted Romeo talking to a girl, but the girl wasn't Rosaline. While Rosaline had brown hair this girl had raven-colored hair. They seemed to have gained a bit of an audience. The lady wilt beest someone imp'rtant's daught'r... He decided. A few drinks  and dances later he felt someone very close behind him.

"Shall thee dance with me, dear Benvolio?" The person slurred. Benvolio felt his cheeks flush. Mercutio...

"If 't be true we wouldst cause a scene..." He replied. Though he longed to dance with Mercutio, to feel his arms around him, two men dancing together would certainly draw some attention. Mercutio spun Benvolio around.

"By my heel I care not." He answered. "Men’s eyes were made to look and let them gaze." He lead Benvolio to the outskirts of the dance, where most would not see. "Besides, thee w're nev'r h're." He had a point; in the eyes of everyone else Benvolio Montague hadn't gone to this masque, so no one would know. Benvolio felt his heart race as Mercutio pulled him closer, eyes never leaving his. Mercutio seemed calmer right now, and happier, genuinely happy, than he'd been before the party.

"Thou art an excellent dancer, brave Mercutio." He murmured.

"As art thee." Mercutio responded. There was a moment of comfortable silence as they relished in each other's presence. Mercutio moved to cup Benvolio's cheek. "So beautiful..." He whispered before capturing Benvolio's lips with his. Benvolio's senses were immediately flooded. He felt the whole world slow as the man he'd loved for years leaned in. He felt Mercutio's breath on his face before feeling of Mercutio's lips meeting his and the stubble on Mercutio's face rubbing against his. He could distantly hear the musicians playing and the dull chatter of the guests. He wrapped his hands in Mercutio's hair as Mercutio's found the small of his back. Benvolio finally kissed back. He could taste the alcohol on Mercutio's lips mixing with his own. It felt like his entire body was burning in the best way possible. After what seemed like an eternity they pulled away, swaying to the music and simply relishing in each other. Out of the corner of his eye Benvolio noticed Tybalt stalking around the masque, eyes trained on the girl Romeo had danced with.

"We...we shouldst find Romeo." Benvolio whispered. Mercutio looked at him before nodding. They began moving towards Romeo, who was talking to some older lady. "Away, begone. The sport is at the best." Benvolio called as they neared.

"Ay, so I fear. The more is my unrest." Romeo agreed, bidding the lady farewell. Lord Capulet approached them as they neared the exit.

"Nay, gentlemen, prepare not to be gone. We have a trifling foolish banquet towards!" Capulet protested. Benvolio leaned over to him.

"Our moth'r is unwell, and we very much 'ought beest going backeth to checketh on h'r," Benvolio whispered.

"Is it e'en so?" Capulet inquired. Benvolio nodded. "Why, then, I thank you all. I thank you, honest gentlemen. Good night." He motioned for the servants, "More torches here!" And took his lady's hand. "Come on then, let’s to bed." He turned to a guard, "Ah, sirrah, by my fay, it waxes late. I’ll to my rest." The trio began to take their leave when a lady walked up to Romeo. She whispered something to him and he nodded, turning to his friends.

"Wend on ahead," he told them, "I wonneth't beest longeth."

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