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A week passed and I was still homeless I could get a job even tho I really tried. I had 20 dollars left

I haven't seen the two man since that night but i really didn't care

It was tired of this life. I was tired of trying to stay alive.

What was the point of living now
I have nothing left and soon i'll have to give my money away to pay for food and then i'll probably die slowly

I walked into target I saw people stare at me, i know i looked like a typical homeless person
I bought some razor blades
The cashier looked at me then the blades then back to me
I just looked at my feet kind of ashamed. I paid and left, when I walked out, I could feel the cashier staring at my back.

I went back to the alley i always stayed I didn't bother to search for another place, as i said, I'm tired of everything.

I sat down at the dirty ground unpacking the blades while thinking of my dad, when he died i was in the car too. I could feel a panic attack coming up, trying my best to calm down but I couldn't.

I took a blade looking at it.
Then, slowly put the blade on my wrist, heavy breathing and crying.

Should I do it?
After 2 minutes just looking at the blade on my wrist....

i did it

After a while crying in pain feeling the warm blood everywhere
I stared to calm down

Everything went black


"SHIT.... CALL 911"


I woke up in a white bright room, i could hear something beeping.

Everything hurts.

I looked around and saw someone was in my room. He sat in the chair across from where my bed was.

It was the man, with the braids.

We made eye contact then
he stood up and left the room

I just looked around then down to myself, my wrist was wrapped into a bandage and I was clean. I tried moving my wrist but it felt like a knife was stuck in it.
I crunshed my face and screamed in pain.

The man came back with the doctor behind him.

"Good morning Miss...?"
"Ahh great, Miss Johnson how are you?"
"G-good" I looked over to the man in braids then back to the doc.
"Good Miss Johnson, do you have any memories left other then your name?"

"Yes i remember everything" I said shyly starting to tear up

"Miss Johnson it's okay, i will get you some medicine and food, and you have the uportunity to talk to your friend here." He moved his head to the man with braids, smiled and left.

I was confused why the man with braids was even here but I was kind of scared.

We made eye contact again just staring in silence.

Then he finally broke the silence
"Why did you do it?"
I just looked at him for a moment
"Did you call the police?"
I answered his questions with a question.
"Yes I did" he calmly said
"That wasn't the plan" I said in tears
Looking down at my hands.
"I'm just so tired...I just wanted peace"
I was sobbing now thinking how I have to go back to the streets and fight for my life everyday again.

He slowly got up and walked towards me. "Look at me" he grabbed my chin forcing me to look up.

His eyes were just as beautiful as last time I saw them.

"Whatever made you do this to yourself....it will not make you do it again....I got you" he said calmly

Sooooo... hope y'all like it
And didn't make y'all depressed

Bye love y'all

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