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~alarm beeps~

Jennie groggily wakes up and checks the time on her phone. It was 6:30 AM and it was the first day of senior year. She saw a bunch of notifications in her phone, from messages to twitter and instagram notifications. Jennie was what you call a popular student in her school. Maybe it was because her ex-boyfriend was the star quarterback or maybe it was because she was a cheerleader and also an honor student. Not to mention, she was the student council vice-president. You might think Jennie's life is a perfect one, she used to think so too. But that was before last year ever happened. Last year was when Jennie realized that her reality was just too perfect and, of course, it's not always gonna be that way.

"Ugh. I hate mornings." She mumbles.

She was staring at the time, ignoring all the notifications since she just can't deal with them right now. Not without coffee. She was contemplating whether to get up or get an extra five minute sleep. When her door suddenly opened.

"Yow. Get up or your ass is gonna get scolded by Mr. Peterson!"

Why am I not surprised. Of course my annoying cousin would wake me up today since she's very pumped for my first day of senior year.

"Mila just give me five more minutes. And I promise I would get up."

I glared at her with my bitchy morning face.

"You know that doesn't work on me. I'm never gonna be afraid of your glares Jen. Get up right now and if you won't, I would not give this key that your mother left for you."

You know when it's morning and your brain can't function properly? And you just heard a very shocking statement that makes you get up on your bed with so much energy? Yes that's exactly what's happening to Jennie right now.

"What did you say?! Wait. Did mom really?!"

I asked confirming what my cousin was implying. I need to know she's not just lying to make me get up. And if she really is lying, I'll make sure to kill her.

"Why don't you go outside to find out?"

After I heard that, I immediately went down the stairs and there it was. My own car. It was an SUV type of car from Ford but I don't exactly know what type it was specifically since I don't know anything about cars. But I am just happy that I don't need to ride the bus anymore and that I can go wherever I want, whenever I want. It's good timing too since I don't have a boyfriend who can drive me around anymore.

"You like it? I chose the color white since I know you love it. Your mom made me do all the paperworks for this so that it will arrive on time since we both know your mom is very busy. Although she did leave this for you."

After Mila told me that, she gave me a letter from my mom. I did read it immediately since it was not that long.

"I hope you like what I prepared for you baby Jen. I'm sorry I was not able to give it to you personally but I hope you appreciate it. I'll see you when I comeback next week, alright? And please don't be late to your classes, you have no more excuses to me. Okay? I love you baby and see you soonest!"

My mom is really sweet. Even after everything that happened to us, our family she remained very strong. You may think I hate my mom since she's always away but I actually perfectly understand her. She provides for me, never forgets about me and loves me. What else do I need to ask for? As I was still in shock and admiring my new car, my cousin spoke to me.

"Time check. 5 minutes til' 7:00 AM. I guess I just need to tell your mom that you don't need a car since with or without it, you're still gonna get to class late."

"Shut up. I don't have time to argue with you. I'm gonna have a quick shower and change, can you please support your beautiful cousin and make my coffee for me?"

"Only cause it's your first day of senior year! Now go and hurry up please!"

After Mila said that, I quickly did my morning routine. After which, I hurriedly went down and pour the coffee that Mila made into my tumbler and ran out of the house.

While I was driving, I was thinking about senior year and how I hope it will end soon so that I can finally go to college and leave this city behind. Miami might be a big city but I was so ready for the next adventure in my life. I was desperate to leave it behind so that I can leave the comforts of being in my hometown. Yes I was ambitious. And yes I was determined.


"Hey do you need me to drive you to school and maybe show you around town after?"

My new step sister, Lauren asked. We were eating breakfast together since our parents are still in their honeymoon. After being friends and being in a relationship for so long, our parents finally decided that the past was healed and that they are ready for the next step which was marriage. Of course, I was super supportive of it since I know my mom deserve someone like Mike. Mike was my stepdad and Lauren was his daughter. Lauren became my sister, officially, 2 months ago but we have known each other long before since our parents were friends for quite a while. She was a doctor and to say that I was proud to have a step sister like her was an understatement.

"Aren't you busy? I thought you need to go to the hospital?"

"Yeah I need to go today but if I remember clearly, I just need to do check ups. There is no surgery scheduled. So I can make time for my new little sister."

"You don't have to." I blushed since she was smirking at me with those beautiful green eyes. I admit my step sister certainly is eye catching and beautiful. I am openly gay. I think my mom have always known that's why we didn't actually have that "talk". I just brought my first girlfriend back in thailand to meet her and she just accepted it like how it would be if I would have brought a boyfriend. Maybe it was because of my mannerism or the way I dressed? Although I also like girly clothes but I just prefer the cool type of clothes the girl crush types.

Back to my step sister, she was really beautiful. But don't get me wrong, I don't like her, "like" her. I just really appreciate beautiful girls. Besides, she was old for me anyway plus she has a boyfriend.

"But I want to. Listen Lis, you are my sister and I want to take care of you since your ass is on my watch. And showing you around is also for my sake, so that you won't get lost."

"Okay, if you insist. But if something comes up, there's no pressure we can always reschedule Lau."

I said to her. And she nodded.

"Crap! Hurry up, you're gonna be so screwed if you're late for Mr. Peterson's class. Let's just say, he really made my life a living hell for senior year during my time."

Lau said to me. After seeing her panic and in a hurry, I was also alarmed since I was gonna be a new student and that's already very hard. But to also, have a teacher hate on you would really be the icing on top.

We rushed outside the house and into the garage. Lau was contemplating on riding the car or riding our motorcycle's. Lau and I, first clicked because of our love for bikes. She had hers and I had mine, which just arrived from Thailand last week.

"You still don't know the fast way going to school and I was gonna drive you to school in the car today but I'm afraid we're gonna be late. So how about, let's just take our motorcycle and you follow me? Would you be comfortable with that?"

"Yeah I have no problem with that. Let's go?"

"Okay. Try to keep up little sis."

My big sister smirked at me again. Oh you're so on Lau.

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