Rant Page 1 January 4th 2015

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I had my high school orientation like in 2014 in december or november or whatever. And UGH there were like some really bitchy stuck up girls from other schools. You know them girls who look down on you as if they are way better? Looks like this year I'm going to go to school with heaps of snobs. UGGGHHHH -_- I hate girls like that.

I have like really muscular legs (By the way I'm a girl) and these two other girls were like staring at them and I'm just like WTF??? And they were looking sneakily as if they didn't want to be caught like god?? What's wrong with my legs? They are tanned and muscular (Not thin muscular but muscular muscular but it doesn't look like I'm on steroids) anyways I have no idea what was going on there but anyhow.

There was this girl wearing make up and I'm like really? are you serious? it's a fucking orientation not a fashion statement. I know people wanna look their best but do we really need to wear makeup when we're 13? I don't understand WHY girls my age wear makeup. We've just become teenagers, we're barely out of childhood and look! It's retarded but I guess I have to accept what other people do so DON'T HATE.

God this rant book really shows the ugly side of me but oh well.

This may be TMI and includes some serious rants on periods (BEWARE)

Periods SUCK :(((

All you do is bleed, bleed and bleed some more. And pads are stupid and uncomfortable, most of the time. Sometimes there are lucky days when I don't really feel the pad and then other days I just wanna walk like a cowboy. Like on the U by something, it was an advertisment about some pads that your not supposed to feel but anyways I HATE periods. 

Especially last year and in 2013 when we had to do SPORT it was horrible :((( Because I just could feel the pad bunching up a million times and then leaking into my underwear -_- GROSSES thing that has probably ever happened to me.

There was this one time in year 6 (When I didn't tell anyone I had my period because It was so friggin embarassing at the time and still is) And I was wearing NO PAD at all and my period was so heavy, it SOAKED my knickers and gave me a period stain on my skirt :(( Please tell me someone can relate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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