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"If we move now we can claim more land and drive off the rebels

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"If we move now we can claim more land and drive off the rebels. And as for the runaway citizens we need to have our security reinforced,get more guards" one of the head council members spoke. They were currently having a meeting about the kingdoms current situation and seeing what strategy they would use. "And what funding do we have to get more guards? Hm?" Irene asked, the council man froze and just gulped before speaking again.

"We can start raising the taxes. And we could draft some citizens" he said sweating, nervous.

"Okay, I'll go with you plan. But if it backfires I'll have your head." Irene calmly said as she walked up to the man. "Okay, but your majesty, what about the more land?" another higher up asked, "As for that part, I'll have my best team go out and see how far we can move. We need 10 more miles before we can launch our attack" irene said as she sat back down in her seat. Everyone came to an agreement.

"Okay, this meeting is adjourned. Now go back to doing your jobs" irene said, watching everyone leave. Irene snapped her fingers to get the attention of the servant next to her, "hey, hey. Go get Hwasa and V now. Tell them its urgent" she ordered sternly. Hwasa and V both walked into the room, formal as ever, both disciplined by the woman in front of them. Hwasa was always visibly nervous when in front of irene.

"I called you two here cause I have task for you two. Hwasa you and a team of your finest men need to travel to the line and see how far you can go so we can expamd to more land" hwasa cleared her throat and stood in position, "well with all due respect your majesty, all my finest men need a break. And I dont think it be good to send out soldiers wo week right now." The room became quite, irene took slow steps to the girl, her heels clicked with each one, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say your defying my orders. And you dont want to defy my orders" irene said calmly, her gaze piercing through hwasa.

"And if I didn't know any better, I'd say that's a threat" hwasa said, her voice scared. "Well do you know?" Irene asked, "know what?" Hwasa question. "Better" irene grimaced, hwasa gulped and looked her in the eye.

Light music was being played, and a sweet soulful voice was humming along with the melody

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Light music was being played, and a sweet soulful voice was humming along with the melody. Weny was in her room cleaning up when suga walked in, "Hi honey" he said sweetly as he kissed wendy in the foehead. Wendy smiled and said hello back, "here's your clothes for the next two weeks, and I already told the stable boy to get your horse ready" she huffed, still cleaning.

"Okay, thank you"

"Wendy...., soon there'll be a war. Everyone knows it, and I justwant to tell you that I love you and if I'd int come back, just keep my memory living on" suga said sadly as he packed his stuff, "you'll come back, you're a famous general. You have a strong army by your side, you will be coming home" wendy said as she looked at him with sad eyes, but a happy smile.

"You never know. Even the great worriers die in battle, and who says I won't be one of them" suge chuckled, stuffing more clothes in a bag. Wendy expression turned from sweet and joking, to serious and stern; she walk up to him and snatch his wrist, "dont talk like that you hear me! You're coming back, and so help me if I have to drag you back I will!" She said sternly, hurt by the way he spoke. Suga just looked at the woman with a soft expression, he leaned in and kiss her forehead, "I promise I'll come back" he reassured.

Soon after he bid goodbye and left. Wendy dropped to the bed and heavily sighed, she didn't know what to do. Her heart was conflicted for the man she was supposed to marry, it was stressful. She loved suga, but she didn't know what type of love she felt for him. Inside she was tearing herself apart, fighting an internal battle of emotions, but she had to be strong, to support him. But also face him, even though she hasn't been faithful.

A knock was heard at the door, and wendy got up and opened it. It was Hoseok. "Oh hello Hoseok, what brings you here?" She asked sweetly, letting him in the room and closing the door. "What? I can't come here to see the most beautiful woman ever" he chuckled, wrapping his arms around his waist and giving her a warm hug. "Yeah yeah, like that's all you came for" wendy giggled.

"So did suga leave yet?" Hoseok asked, "yeah, he's meeting with joy one last time before they're leaving" hoseok nodded and sat down, "hey what's wrong. You're less cheery today" wendy asked, sitting next to him and placing a hand over his. He sighed, and looked her in the eye, "you know sooner or later I'll be sending out troops. And you know who those consists of right" he asked, seriousness spread from his expression to the sound of his voice. "I know...please dont remind me. Cause at this rate it'll be sooner" wendy said sad.

"Yes, so I'll need you to prepare. This is a direct order okay" he sternly said. A tear streamed down Wendy's face and just embraced Hoseok in a hug. And she just slowly nodded, while quietly sobbing.


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Hwasa was getting on her horse. She picked up a small group of men who were decent enough for the job and quickly prepared for the journey. "Alright men let's get going. I want to be about halfway in thewoods by the time the sun goes down" she said loudly. She then gave the signal and all started riding off into the woods.

Sometimes hwasa doesn't believe how she went from scully old maid to a little commander. She loved her position, and she loved being under irene, she represented her beliefs and was an honest woman. After taking over the red kingdom irene had hwasa reformed immediately. She was trained in combat, was educated in strategy and leadership skills. And how properly kill. She advanced quickly, so quickly she went up ranks in a blink of an eye.

Deep into thoughts hwasa had blocked out all noise and couldn't hear the cries of the soldiers, "COMMANDER WATCH OUT! DEAD END!" one of the men screamed, getting the attention of the women. Hwasa snapped out of it and quickly stopped her horse, she looked and say she stopped in front of cliff witha canyon below.

"I'm sorry, I was deep in thought. I didn't realize how off course we were." She said, going back to the group, "ma'am I'd advise we stop here and get back on course in the morning" one of the soldiers said, hoping off his horse. "I agree, we're not that far off, so it'll be okay" she said, and got off her horse as well. "Okay, let's set up camp. And rest up, we have enough food for a couple of days" hwasa said as she sat down at a near by bolder and took a swig of water from her canteen. The men immediately went to work, while hwasa just rested and watch.

Its seemed unfair, but she was in charge and could do anything she want. And if they didn't listen and get reported to the queen, and the punishments she gave were grave and cruel. Nightfall came and everyone was surrounded by the fire, eating and just speaking amongst themselves. Again hwasa was deep in though, drifting off and just stuck in her own mind. She was thinking of ways she'd kill hoy if ever encountered her or how she'd finally have namjoon again. She train of thought was broken when she heard a twig snap.

She looked up and in the darkness of the woods she saw two large glowing eyes. Out of instinct, hwasa grabbing a throwing knife and threw it in the direction of the creature, a loud whimper was heard and then heavy footsteps running away. The noise startled the men, and hwasa just sat there continuing to stare into the darkness.

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