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Don't get me wrong, OK? I love Riverdale. The show and it's cast has undoubtedly become my new obsession. However, we can all agree the writers of the show write the story like a dramatic game of Madlibs. The show has been called ridiculous and cringey on many occasions. Apparently Riverdale writers stole material and themes from another show. This show is called 'Bates Motel'. And before you attack me, yes, I've already watched it through.

The Title
Right away you can see some irresponsible similarities. The Riverdale logo and the Bates Motel logo are almost identical, resembling a vibrant blue LED sign drilled on the facades of buildings and stores. The copied ideas would be less recognizable if the CW changed Riverdale's style we all know so well. Clearly just changing the font didn't work.

Alice Cooper
I know what you're thinking. You can't write an exposé because of one minor slip up. Plus, it's just the title. Would you believe me if I told you Riverdale also stole an entire character? An entire persona copy and pasted from one show to another like a clone? Once you dive into the show you meet Norman, a teenage boy attending a local high school after moving into a seemingly arid town. His father died, and they moved there shortly after to start fresh. He and his mother, Norma, purchased a motel in the area. You can immediately see a strange relationship shared between Norman and his mother. She's extremely controlling and barely lets him have contact with anyone else. She's an extreme helicopter parent and overbearingly overprotective. Ring any bells? That's Alice. Alice Cooper. Alice might've strayed after the farm, but she reverted back to old habits in the latest season. Also, do you recall when Chick kills a man forcing his way into the Cooper home? That also happens in Bates Motel. Both mothers scrubbed the house clean, the men were rolled into mats and the murders were covered up.

Miss. Grundy
Norman didn't have friends when he went to school. Well he did have one, Emma Decody, but they got along more off campus. Anyway, one day Norman submitted a compelling piece of writing to his teacher, Miss Watson. She took a liking to him and offered him tutoring lessons. Normal enough, right? One day, Miss Watson finds Norman trudging down the street, getting soaked in the rain. Of course, she offers him a ride and he accepts. She takes him to her house and guess what she does? That's right. She tries to seduce him. Teenage boy walking down the street suffering in the weather and a naughty teacher?I've definitely seen this before. Undeniably, Miss. Grundy was inspired by Miss Watson. Both teachers had mysterious backgrounds.

Then, as if they haven't plundered enough from another series, they had the audacity to rob the main character's shtick. If you've watched Riverdale you know all about dark Betty and how she can hurt the people she loves. How creative for the innocent, perfect girl next-door to have an alter ego, a personality A little less nice, one a lot more evil? It's very interesting. It's draws the watchers in. What if I told you it wasn't as innovative as you might think? Norman is characterized by his apparent normality in the eyes of others. However, if you've watched the show you know Norman blacks out and does horrible things to those closest to him. Since Riverdale is still a show with a young audience, no matter how vulgar things might get, they still can't show anything too dark. They also have to maintain Betty's likability. Which is why she hasn't done anything too "Norman" yet. But trust me, Betty is Norman in an alternate universe.

The Town Itself
This might seem like a stretch here, but I'm not blind. If they successfully stole the personalities of key characters without getting caught, what's to say they didn't steal the background, too? First off, White Pine Bay is a kitschy town with archaic vehicles and a prehistoric vibe. Riverdale is once again an identical twin: old vibe, 80's environment, and to disrupt the peace, kids walking around with iPhone 8's. I have reason to believe the Sisters of Quiet Mercy might've been based off a treatment center and asylum where Norman was committed for his *cough* problems. Furthermore, both towns (we can agree) have more issues than what meets the eye. A raging drug problem. Per usual, there are cliques and their drug bosses, and everything else. Both towns are magnets of crime and unrest. Riverdale is a copy cat Bates Motel with a cliché adolescent aura. In fact, The only difference between Riverdale and Bates Motel is that the writers of Bates Motel have an immaculate script, realistic plot, and steady storyline.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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