Death Game Analysis Notebook

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He saw the bodies piling up on the news. He knew they were a warning for him. With the news and everyone wondering who Second is, those who were a part of the game knew exactly what it meant. Walking home is filled with paranoia and dread everyday. Izuku looked down at his phone when it crackled to life, signaling a change in fate. Reading it as quickly as possible, no major change other than a cat almost getting hit by a car, he kept walking on his way home after a long day from the hell called school. School was just a place that gave bruises and cuts with people turning a blind eye. Izuku didn't blame them. Who would want to associate with the quirkless kid?

Its not like he needed to go to school anyway. His mother thought it was better for him to be with kids the same age as him. He never told her about the bullying so she wouldn't worry but that meant he had to deal with all the problems it came with. He knew having no friends, being constantly bullied, and not trusting teachers was not an ideal school life but he can live with it. His dream to be a hero was dead now because of everyone at school beating it into him, but also because of this death game.

Even with this super powered society, who knew that a god who controlled space and time would be choosing a new ruler with a death game. Izuku didn't know how he got wrapped up into this. He doesn't even know how to get out. The only choice now is to survive. He doesn't want to win, he just doesn't want to die. Out of everyone in the world, it had to be him. The quirkless loser that everyone disliked.

Arriving at his home devoid of life, Izuku makes his way to his room. Nothing is super fancy about it. He has a small bookshelf for his notebooks, a desk filled with an assortment of pens and paper with his laptop, his bed and the softest blanket in the entire world, and a small portable tv for the two gaming consoles he owns. Dropping his bag off next to the door and rushing to grab a snack, the next few hours were spent updating his hero analysis, not that he would need them. Analysis seemed pretty useful to have as a skill.

His mother came while he was working and prepared dinner calling him to eat when it was finished. They had small talk while eating their meal only to part ways when done. His mother goes to bed early, talking how she has an early shift and wouldn't be home in the morning. He loves his mother. She was his stability in life and the one thing he genuinely cared about. Even if she wasn't home most of the time or they never saw each other often with her job, he loved her so much.

His mother, asleep in her bed, didn't know that he snuck out every night to the roof. It was a safe haven for him. He could sit and watch the stars and not have to worry about anything. It was also the best place to think. Grabbing his notebook and a pencil, he slipped out of the window and started to climb up the old, rusty ladder that led to the roof. It's silent other than the occasional car passing by from below. The light wind that made it cool outside was nice to Izuku. Jotting down the newest murder into his notebook labeled "Death Game Analysis," he took note of every detail. He noted the handwriting and that it is from only one person. He noted that each victim's phone was destroyed and they either had a head wound or were stabbed in the heart. He noted the victims were mostly male. He knows that whoever is killing them is a part of the game but that they may possibly know who he is is an unknown factor. They could just be targeting males in general or it's purely coincidental.

A sudden noise is heard from down below. The sound of a scream and a struggle is what made Izuku look over to the commotion. A tall male was trying to grab at a young female who looked terrified. Izuku took off down the ladder, hoping he would make it in time to help her. As he reached the bottom, he saw the hose that was used for watering the greenery around wasn't locked up like it should. Grabbing it and rushing to get the water running, he hears the struggle more clearly. He turns the corner, hose in hand, and starts dousing the man in water full blast praying that it startles him into running away.

He watches the man start running away from the woman quickly. He looks over to the scared woman who is grabbing her bag off the ground.

"Are you okay ma'am?" She turned to Izuku and smiled.

"I'm okay thanks to you. He just came and grabbed me. I don't know if he was going to kidnap me or try and steal my purse but thank you for saving me."

"It's fine. I think anyone would have helped out if they saw what was happening. You're not hurt are you? I can go grab a first aid kit if you need it."

The lady waved her hands at him. "Oh no, I'm fine. I think the worse will just be some bruising. I have to get going before it becomes any later but thank you again for saving me."

Izuku smiled and waved goodbye to the nice lady. Returning the hose and turning off the water, he made his way to the ladder and climbed up to his window. Changing into his pajamas and closing the window were the last things he needed to do before heading off to bed.

Waking up and getting ready for school was normal. He took a shower and put his uniform on before heading into the kitchen to make breakfast. He made a bowl of cereal for himself like always when he was by himself, watching the news for anything interesting or any new murders. His diary hasn't changed much but they were all fairly normal. It says how Bakugo and his two lackeys will be waiting by the south entrance of the school and then rough him up a bit before class starts so instead he will take the west entrance to avoid them.

School flew by relatively quickly for him other than when he was getting ganged up on and harassed. Walking home was short and very peaceful. He walked up the stairs to his apartment to find a detective and a man who looked very exhausted outside of his door. There were two options that he could choose from at this moment. Either A) Walk away and wait by the bakery that looked over at the apartment complex till the men leave or B) Go and ask what they want. He wasn't fast enough with his choice as the tired looking male turned to see him. Izuku walked over to them not sure if he still has time to walk away and forget about them.

"Hello sirs. Do you need any help finding something?" Izuku saw the tired man look over at the detective and nod to him. The detective gave a small smile at him which wasn't reassuring at all.

"We're looking for a Midoriya Izuku. Do you know him?"

"I'm Midoriya Izuku sir. Is there something you need from me?" The detective reached into his bag and pulled out a notebook. Izuku knew he forgot something last night. The detective pulled out a notebook labeled "Death Game Analysis." He looked Izuku in the eye as his smile was gone.

"We need to ask you some questions."

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