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Hey! This is my first story, If you don't like it feel free to comment on things I can improve on :)

Before you start reading, these are some things you should know:
- This story takes place the day after Leo comes back to camp
- This takes place in Harry's fith year of school, or in the Order of the Phoenix book
- In this story Harry isn't going to be all "I aM tHe ChOseN oNe, hOw DaRe He ChAlLeNgE mE!"

I don't own Leo Valdez, Festus, Chiron or any of those Characters. Rick Riordan does. I also don't own Harry, Ron, Hermione or any of that. J.K Rowling does. I own nothing but the plot in this fanfiction.

Yeah that's basically it. Enjoy :)

- Grace

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