#178: twice

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there are two times that i throw myself freely into you
Where I believe that being with you deserve those sacrifices
there are two times that I choose to fight rather than live
but, you watch me suffer and kill me on those two times
eventhough i can't Blame you completely
the sick and infinite pain reminds me of you
Bring me to the bottom of my best rock bottom
eventhough once you took me to the heaven
But, you drag me down quiet
Your silence drove me crazy
Your silence decision shocked me like a bom
The distance you took killed me slowly
Your doubt bring me to your di kening survivor game
As I treasure you much
i lost that much
but, I survive
God has a mercy on me
God show me the real life
It may took a real long time
but, God gave and show the best of me
goodbye Rose
Thanks for leaving me
To let me the best version of me
To let me found my old self
I'm sorry for hurting you
goodbye the Ocean Roses I Made
Don't enchanted me again with your beauty
goodbye Rose


Hai. I'm Reee15. Thanks for read my poem all these Times. sadly, it Will be the last chapt of Ocean Roses. I'm not kidding guys. i don't wattpad limit the chapters of a story'. lol... When i found it, I think i should finished this book as well.

This book is begun by the happy Times. Pretty happy. Those Times were the best time of my life. this book is the journey of me. From the happy me, the sad me, the suffered me and calm me. yes, i reached that level right now.

Surely, it was the biggest lost of my life. Where I can't eat properly, i can't study very well, and I lost the reason to live. I was like a zombie. Lol. Don't judge me okay. As i wrote it before, I treasured it so much.

For years i tried to hang on. And, the pain was being the biggest as I had my graduation.

Ocean RosesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang