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I'm at the airport right now waiting in line to buy a ticket

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I'm at the airport right now waiting in line to buy a ticket.

The struggle of getting here was unbelievable!

Getting out of the property was one thing but getting out of the subdivision was another.

Luckily, I got here in one piece.

"Next, please!" the lady at the counter called out.

I walked closer to the counter, "Hi! One ticket going to Oslo, Norway please." she smiled at me and typed something on her computer, "Round trip?"

I shook my head and she continued to type, "Can I have an ID please?" I handed her my ID and she copied down the information.

She clapped her hands and looked at me, "That would be 1,409 USD, miss." I handed her the money and she printed out the ticket.

She handed me the ticket and proceeded on to the next customer. My flight was scheduled to leave in 1 hour so I went to the boarding gate and just waited there.

I wonder if anybody at home noticed I left? Has Kodiak noticed? I doubt it. Cause if they did, my ass is probably being hauled back home right now.

I stood up to pee before our flight starts boarding.

I walked into the comfort room and was surprised at how empty it is. I walked into a stall and did my business, I heard the door open rather 

loudly but just didn't pay attention to it.

I walked out of the stall and washed my hands, as I was about to exit the bathroom, I felt a hard blow hit my head and before I passed out I saw a figure of a female.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I slowly woke up and looked around the room, it was a windowless room with one chair in front of the one I was sitting on. 

I tried to stand up but my hands were tied, I heard the door open and in walked the girl I saw in the comfort room. 

"Hello, Noelle. Surprised to see me?" 

"I think I know who it is

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"I think I know who it is." we all looked at Mikhail, "Maybe it's Katerina?" he said.

I shook my head and said, "The threats were before we met."

Mikkel looked at us, "Who is Katerina, and does she have to do with all of this?"

"Katerina was the girl Maddox was 'dating'. She was probably jealous of the affection happening between Noelle and Maddox." Mikhail blurted. His eyes widen in realization of what he just said and he looked at Mikkel in a panic.

"What do you mean affection?" Mikkel asked, his jaw clenched.

I looked at Mikkel and sighed, "I'm sorry, Mr. Agnor. But it's exactly what it means. I have developed feelings for Noelle and vice versa."

"YOU WHAT?!" Mikkel and Mikhail yelled out, "So it is true then? What my wife and sons told me? You hurt our little prinsesse?!" Mikkel growled, "How fucking dare you?! We did everything to protect her, only for you to break her?!" he pulled out his gun and pointed it at me.

Aksel and Oskar tried to reason out with him while my dad stood in front of me, "They love each other but we must focus on keeping Noelle safe first." my dad told Mikkel but instead of listening he shot the wall beside my head.

"Someone get Noelle! She's the only one who can calm him down!" Aksel yelled out, Nikolai stood up and tried to grab the gun from Mikkel while Magnus and Sebastian ran to get Noelle.

"Din jævla idiot. Jeg skulle bare sette en kule gjennom hodet ditt. (You fucking idiot. I should just put a bullet through your head.)" Mikkel cursed at me, I tried to reason out with him but he just kept trying to shoot at me.

"STOP FIGHTING FOR A MINUTE." Sebastian yelled out while running into the room with Magnus following him with a panicked look on his face, "NOELLE ISN'T IN THE HOUSE OR THE PROPERTY."

"But she left a note." Magnus added, "Well?! What does the note say?!" Aksel urged

"Dear whoever may find this,

I have set off on an adventure to go to Norway and be with my mamma. I have missed her dearly and would like to be with her.

Don't bother coming after me seeing as I'm probably halfway there already.


Noelle." Magnus read,

"Call mamma and ask her if Noelle is there. She probably left a few hours ago." Aksel instructed Nikolai.

Mikkel lowered his gun and looked at Matteo, who was sitting in the corner, "Can your men track down a GPS in a necklace?" Matteo nodded and asked, "is it connected to your phone?" Mikkel nodded and gave his phone to Matteo.

"I gave her that necklace when she was just 4. It may seem wrong but I wished to know where she is at all times." Mikkel told us.

"Don't worry. We'll find her." We all sat down and stayed in silence for a few minutes.

"Do you really love her?" Aksel asked, "Yes. I may have wronged her a few times but she means everything to me." I told them honestly.

"Prove to me that you really care about her and I might not shoot you." Mikkel told me, "Don't make me fucking regret this, Maddox." he glared at me.

"Huh." Matteo muttered, "She said she was going to Norway?" he asked us.

We nodded and he looked back at the screen,

"Then why the fuck is she in New York?"



Thank you so much for reading!

I apologize for any spelling and grammatical errors.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I hope you vote and share with your friends! 

Stay safe and sanitize ❤

Love lots,


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